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Television is one of the most effective mediums through which to teach and inspire youngsters

Neil Wilson, executive head teacher of a group of schools in South Manchester, is wrong when he blames television for children’s lack of education and communication. In fact, provided children are watching suitable programming, television is one of the most effective mediums through which to teach and inspire youngsters. We need to start speaking to children on their level, which means embracing technologies such as interactive TV and the internet to get them interested. Though expensive, both to obtain the technology and to train teachers, the benefits to children are priceless. We can learn a lot from innovators such as the Essa Academy, the learning centre in Great Lever that has started giving advice to Eton College. They provide iPods to motivate and empower pupils. It is time we followed their lead, and realised the potential of technology.

All the Yes points:

  1. The ESSA and Virtual academies are perfect examples of how television, specifically can prove useful to students of all ages

All the No points:

  1. rebuttal to first yes point
  2. Demands too much self discipline
  3. Dehumanizes education
  4. Spaced out in front of the T.V: Story of a slacker

The ESSA and Virtual academies are perfect examples of how television, specifically can prove useful to students of all ages

Yes because…

“We can learn a lot from innovators such as the Essa Academy, the learning centre in Great Lever that has started giving advice to Eton College. They provide iPods to motivate and empower pupils.”-[[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/8675609/Television-is-not-to-blame-for-childrens-lack-of-education.html]]

The Virtual university in Pakistan has it’s own T.V channel and broadcasts lectures on college courses from Econ 101 to Bio 502.[[http://www.vulectures.com/]] The virtual academy covers school courses as well [[http://www.pen.com.pk/]] . Many students have graduated from the virtual academy&university taking online exams and watching T.V( or alternatively you-tube videos). Stanford among other prestigious U.S universities also gives out online degrees, course lectures for which are available on you-tube. Where would most of us be without T.V shows like sesame street, Dr. Seuss and Rainbow? Let’s not forget that for most of us, our childhood almost entirely revolved around Disney movies, P.G Hollywood films and cartoons. Big bird taught us the alphabet, long before kindergarten. The count taught us to count and there were life lessons on cooperation, kindness and communication in entertaining songs, parables and sing-alongs. The relevance of the television set as an educational tool has been known, used and exploited for a very long time.

No because…

rebuttal to first yes point

No because…

Most schools do not operate in a virtual environment. And while many good and great colleges and schools have used the t>v or internet to supplement education, their standard ‘attend classes’ and clear examination papers approach has not been debunked. The T.V and the world wide web have thus in no way replaced the very human, tangible and existing education system.

The harmful effects of the cathode ray tube/oscilloscope on vision are ubiquitously known. Add to that the degenerate decadent and detrimental effects of a couch-potato/computer-chair lifestyle and the importance of learning hands on, while sitting in a classroom, play ground or anywhere where a teacher is close enough to observe his/her pupils and help them out becomes all the more important. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwKoCXq2Pw4]]

Yes because…

Everything is harmful, the paint in the walls of your home emits radiation. Almost everything is reported as being carcinogenic every now and then.

Demands too much self discipline

No because…

Children are at a stage in life where they cannot be trusted to independently find their way across a curriculum. To sit a child in front of a T.V with no one stopping and making sure s/he understands the lesson is asking for trouble. Children cannot sit still and won’t if there’s no one there to watch them and ensure that they are paying attention, they aren’t lost and they are taking notes. Sesame street is not and never can be a substitute for school. Teenagers and adults face similar issues, the T.V is not interactive. You cannot raise your hand and ask the instructor to clarify a concept. The instructor cannot test your understanding of the subject either. The motivation that comes from being probed and tested is therefore absent. Virtual universities demand a lot of self discipline, self motivation and self reliance, most people will and do have a hard time attempting to get degrees via such programs. [[http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060824113354AAbGC40]] [[http://www.uncommon-knowledge.co.uk/self_help/courses.html]]

Yes because…

College courses in general demand self discipline. A lot of lecture halls seat more than three hundred people, so that only a few select students will be verbally tested; f tested after/during the lecture. Any questions that students have, are answered either in the professor’s office or after class in the same lecture hall. watching a lecture on T.V or n your computer, does not mean you cannot email your queries lecturers or that you cannot cal them up, have a Skype conversation nor visit them. Just as a traditional education is not confined to the classroom; neither is a virtual one.[[http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0FCR/is_2_42/ai_n25454150/]]

Dehumanizes education

No because…

When students sit in a classroom, they have other students around and the teacher is also a living breathing organism. Group synergy motivates people to pay attention, communicate ideas and st in the classroom. Sitting alone in front of a T.V watching a lecturer drone on, indefinitely is even worse than sleeping through a lecture where talking is prohibited and asking the lecturer questions, implausible. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT4lA85bhHY]]

Yes because…

But the two things are not very different. At least with a T.V or a You-tube video, students have the option of rewinding and recording lectures. also you can stop the lecture any time and can leisurely employ quirky study techniques you would normally be too embarrassed to practice in public. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu33kj_zLv8]]

Spaced out in front of the T.V: Story of a slacker

No because…

“The study of 1,300 children by Michigan and Montreal universities found negative effects on older children rose with every hour of toddler TV.”-

“The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming.

The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development.

As kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time with family”


Yes because…

Even eating is bad for you if you go overboard. That doesn’t mean you should stop eating entirely and starve yourself to death.

Kids who don’t want television, cannot join the conversation when other kids are talking about sitcoms or cartoons or other T.V shows.

Shows on National geographic and other educational channels are very informative and help expand a person’s general knowledge. [[http://www.der.org/?gclid=CMuU9e3_t6oCFQUb6wodF0Aa5Q]]

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7 years ago

Television is a necessary tool in ones life..I do believe believe what they see better than what is said and am sure other children do same.Tv builds and equip our minds with imaginations of our world.it gives an eye opening on how to think big and build a brighter future from those educational channels.I love painting and the art attack channel has motivated me better than anything else.

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