Home / Debates / Education / Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

Should the Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools

In most of the schools cell phones are not allowed and also most of the people think that cell phone has alot of disadvantages and in schools cell phones are the cause of disturbance.

All the Yes points:

  1. Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.
  2. Mobile phone use as a subject in school as computer is there.
  3. There could be emergencys and it’s their own choice.
  4. For parents to get a hold of the child
  5. Cell phone helps communication goes on
  6. Yes, to some degree
  7. They can be used as a tool.
  8. Depends.
  9. They Can Be Used Educationally.
  10. If used correctly they can diminish interruptions.

All the No points:

  1. No, because students will be distracted
  2. camera phones are used to harass students
  3. Happy slapping trend: Take away the camera phone = kill the fad
  4. No, the schools have phones, the students can use those.
  5. no cellphones should not be allowed in school
  6. they can be used to cheat on tests

Yes, it should be allowed for the case of emergency.

Yes because…

It should be allowed to use cell phones in schools as if there is any emergency case parents can easily inform their children. It should not be allowed to use during lectures but during break it should be allowed.

And it also helps after school time as if the children have any transport problem they can inform their parents.

Other than this if they have to stay at school after the school time is over for any type of preparation they can inform their parents. but there is some schools that let phones in because of the safety reasons.

No because…

In case of emergency parents can contact head masters/mistresses or other members of the school faculty. Emergencies can occur during classes. What is a school child supposed to do in emergencies?

Mobile phone use as a subject in school as computer is there.

Yes because…

In today’s world there is a lot of progress in the tecnology about the mobile phones. AS the computer’s, now mobile’s retated sholud be also taught to the students and should made thm aware about its bad and good effects.

No because…

There could be emergencys and it’s their own choice.

Yes because…

I think that the students should be allowed to bring cell phones as long as they don’t disrupt class or distract themselves and not pay attention due to the phone, if that happens the teachers can just confiscate it and tell that particular student that he/she may not be able to bring a cellphone to school.

I think students should have the right of bringing a cellphone to school because its theirs. They have responsibility. if they don’t cause trouble with it I think they should be allowed because also it is really convenient for emergencies and also the school phones might be out or they might not have access to one so it think bringing a cell phone is handy also you could use it to help for your classes like a calculator or as a flashlight.

Therefore cellphones should be allowed.

No because…

For parents to get a hold of the child

Yes because…

If something has happen or if they want to rearrange to be met somewhere else

No because…

Cell phone helps communication goes on

Yes because…

well, we have to thoroughly see what it is meant by not allowing. If not allow mean no cell phone at all within school circumstance, i would like to say big no.

As it is stated “mobile Phone”, students will bring it wherever they are such as, in the toilet, library, café, or even class. It grows the mobility and flexibility between parents and their children.

Why mobility and flexibility are so important?

In case their parents are sick, or someone important for them is dead, or most cases, the students needs their parents help to bring something important that they forget, mobile phone is the first help to access, unless there is no even an account in their cell phone.

Even if there may be a phone center in any school, yet it is still not as flexible as mobile phone. If the case is about class disturbance, it does not mean that we have to completely ban them. we can just simply establish a helpful school policy. For example, during the class the teacher shall ask student to put their cell phone in front of the class, or near the teacher.

Then, student will have no chance to make use it wrongly that may disturb the class session. So overall, cell phone helps student to shorten the range between their parents. Parents can still control them. Parents still have their capability to inform anything important.

No because…

Students shouldn’t be allowed to bring cell phones to school and excuses like flexibility is really ridiculous there is no need for that I mean there is already a system that works just fine.

If there is a emergency the parents or guardian should call the school office and then they will send some one down to inform the child. Plus texting or calling the child wouldn’t make a difference because you are still going to have to go through the office people to take your child out of school.

That will be a even longer process and even if a teacher does take their cell phones off them during class think about during lunch time. Students have the opportunity to misuse their cell phone such as text bullying.

Many kids have been affected by this and allowing students to bring their phones to school will only make things worse. Especially for the teacher, because of the distractions of cellphones.

Yes, to some degree

Yes because…

I think that iPod’s should not be allowed in school to some degree because it gets distracting at times, and people can be playing games and be on the internet instead of listening to the teacher and learning at school.

There is a purpose to school, and if you decide to just sit there and play games all day then you will not learn anything, and your grades might start dropping.

I think that people should be allowed to be using their iPod’s and electronic devices when it is recess time because that is the time when you are free to do anything you want. If people want to spend their recess on there iPod’s when it is their free time, I think that, that is totally fair.

I think that any other time during school hours is not ok, because if a person is talking and you are sitting in your seat with your iPod, then you might get it taken away, but it is also being disrespectful to the person that is talking, because you are not giving them your attention and being a respectful listener.

You can download games and apps prior to going to school and use them while connected to school WIFI or not.

No because…

I think you are wrong. You could download a program that allows you to block websites. If you have them in your school you can automatically deny any games or websites that they should not be on. You are not being disrespectful. If you are not looking and just ignoring the person that’s how I feel.

They can be used as a tool.

Yes because…

Most schools dont have a computer of some sort so the kids have to write those papers. Yet if you add ipods to the school it cuts back on paper and other materials that are needed for school such a pencils, and ink. Think do you really want ipods in school.

No because…

Your theory requires every student to have an ipod, which is either coming from the parents pocket (which will start big problems) or its coming from the schools pocket (which is a lot more money, trusting a kid to not lose/steal that ipod). in the end, the computers would be cheaper and more “green” :)


Yes because…

They should be allowed because it used for educational related tasks like, using the calculator or searching up information or taking notes when you forget your notebook or pencil. But I also think that teachers should limit the use of it, like during lessons and only to use during work time. It”s not like the teacher will let students use it during a test!

No because…

Students will hide the iPod on a test, so why take the chance of having to have a student retake the test. It would also give the kids a grade they don’t deserve.

They Can Be Used Educationally.

Yes because…

In my opinion iPod’s, cellphones, and other electric devices should not be banned because you could use these devices for learning. iPod’s could be used as calculators.

Cellphones also used as calculators and if you can get internet access, you could search something small and quick up. Other electronic devices like laptops can be used for research for note taking etc.

We are living in the twenty first century, people have to recognize that we are getting more into technology and getting rid of paper and pencil. Electronics are moving there way into our lives and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

Using technology in class is definitely a yes. There’s so much more you can do when using things like iPod’s, cellphones and other electronic devices. Yes students will be off task sometimes but they will still get there work done.

Over all I think that electronic devices should be allowed in schools for educational reasons.

No because…

Point being, we learn more from searching and studying that we do from google doing our work for us.

In the end, it comes down to the fact that cheating is easier, much more accessible, being distracted, playing games is right at the finger tips of the students. Then comes the whole “listening to the music while the teachers trying to talk”… not a good idea.

Then it comes down to money.

If you want to eliminate paper and such and have all documents on a laptop or another sort of hand-held device (tablet, mp3 player, phone) then schools could eliminate books, worksheets etcetera.

But this means every student needs to have the same device, so that the teacher can provide documents (in the same file format). This also means that every parent or school district needs to dish out so much money for very student to have said electronic device.

This means instead of $40 for a lost text book, its $200-500 for the electronic device that’s lost or stolen. This would increase “crime rate” in schools!

Overall its expensive, allow for kids to cheat, get distracted and learn in less effective way. The idea of it sounds nice, but its not as good as the first glance.

If used correctly they can diminish interruptions.

Yes because…

Let’s assume a large class is taking a test. This class has maybe twenty-five students.

The odds that you are able to separate all the students that may possibly be talkative or disruptive is minuscule, but if you allow these students to use an iPod at a low volume they will likely just listen contently.

I have personally seen students get away with it for the simple reason that they draw no attention with their head down listening quietly to their preferred music. Isn’t the focus of many school rules to minimize distraction to other class members?

No because…

No, because students will be distracted

No because…

Cell phones should not be allowed in schools because if the students get bored, they might use them to play games or do other activities that distract their attention from learning.
In case of family emergency, the teachers have a cell phone and the parents could call them.

Yes because…

Sometimes teachers, parents or students are part of the problem.

Parents with the teacher’s cell numbers can include fathers/mothers/students who want to have an affair with a teacher(or vice versa) thus harass the teacher in question(or vice versa) with a multitude of text messages and after-hours phone calls.

Then obsessive, paranoid parents who want teachers to hop at their command, and students who think a teacher is their friend and should be updated on and invited to their every social venture. Conversely, teachers may harass parents/students.

camera phones are used to harass students

No because…

“Last month, WBOY reported on an incident at WFMS where a fight in the bathroom was recorded on a cellphone and posted on Facebook. Everyone involved in the fight was tagged, including the boy who was beaten up.” -[[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43104529/ns/local_news-clarksburg_wv/t/complaints-bullying-harassment-continue-marion-county-schools/]]

Kids who get threatening text messages and phone calls are 4 times as likely to commit suicide than their counterparts. [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvXqywwV7cw]]

“Over a quarter (26%) of teen cell phone users reported having been harassed by someone else through their cell phone. Girls are significantly more likely to experience this (30%) than boys (22%). This trend is more common for those teens whose parents are under 40 and low in educational attainment.”- [[http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Teens-and-Mobile-Phones/Chapter-5/The-cell-phone-has-become-a-new-venue-for-harassment-and-bullying-of-teens.aspx]]

[[http://www.examiner.com/parenting-education-in-utica/cell-phones-negatively-impact-our-school-communities]] School fights/rapes are recorded via cell phone to add to the humiliation of the victim and the sense of empowerment perpetrators of these crimes have; there is an understanding that most of them are not caught, even after evidencing their crime and using videos and pictures to spread more fear.

“Many schools in London have banned mobile phones because of fears of bullying and robbery. A number of violent attacks on schoolchildren have been filmed on mobile phones equipped with video cameras.

In one of the most serious incidents a teenager was shot in the leg by two teenagers who photographed her injuries with a mobile phone. Kerry Deville, 17, had surgery to remove the pellet at Leeds General Infirmary after the incident in Wortley.”[[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1364626/Up-28-men-filmed-gang-rape-cell-phones-girl-11-Texas.html]] [[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article534788.ece]]

Yes because…

It is not the knowledge/reporting of these crimes that needs to be drawn to a halt but their perpetration.

Kids will be raped, bullied and harassed with or without cell phones. At least with cellphone evidence the police or ultimately the law can’t shrug the incident off.

[[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/sep/15/police-rape-handling-review-shelved]] Currently most rape cases are dismissed and there are cases where rape victims are dubbed drunken/drugged seducers.

[[http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2010-07-25/news/bs-ci-unfounded-rape-conviction-20100725_1_sexual-abuse-ellwood-park-police]] [[http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/home/50925301-76/woman-machan-county-utah.html.csp]] At least when evidence is documented even when it is by malicious evil-doers with cruel intentions, the justice system can’t turn a blind eye to justice.

Happy slapping trend: Take away the camera phone = kill the fad

No because…

Many students, like biased media hubs are interested in shocking, horrifying and getting the attention of a mass audience via cheap thrills.

A camera phone is the perfect mechanism by which young people aim to derive their 60 minutes of fame. The more shocking the video, the greater the attention/ratings/Youtube-views, take the camera away and the opportunity for fame(main motivation for this sort of erratic behavior) is also removed.

[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_slapping]] “Happy Slapping is known to have started in the South London London Borough of Lewisham,[3][4] in a format known as “Slap Happy TV”, where a happy-slapping video would be recorded, and then watched by dozens of people like a TV show. The first newspaper article to use the phrase “happy slapping” was “Bullies film fights by phone”, published in The Times Educational Supplement on 21 January 2005, in which reporter Michael Shaw described teachers’ accounts of the craze in London schools.

The Phrase Finder describes the phenomenon thus: Unprovoked attacks on individuals made in order to record the event, and especially the victim’s shock and surprise, on video phones.

Origin: Happy slapping … began as a youth craze in the UK in late 2004. Children or passers by are slapped or otherwise mugged by one or more of a gang while others record the event on video and then distribute it by phone or Internet.

Initially the attacks were, as the phrase would have us believe, fairly minor pranks … As the craze spread the attacks became more vicious – often serious assaults known in legal circles as grievous bodily harm.”

“United Kingdom: On 9 May 2005, a 16-year-old Plant Hill Arts College student was beaten up and left unconscious in a vicious “happy slapping” attack in Blackley. Footage of the attack was circulated on students’ phones.

United Kingdom, 18 June 2005: Police arrested three 14-year-old boys for the suspected rape of an 11-year-old girl who attended their school in Stoke Newington, London. Authorities were alerted when school staff saw footage from the students’ phones.

United Kingdom, 7 December 2005: Singer Mylene Klass was happy-slapped in Bermondsey, South London.

United Kingdom, December 2005: A 15-year-old-girl, Chelsea O’Mahoney (an alias) and her co-defendants Reece Sargeant, 21, Darren Case, 18, and David Blenman, 17, were all found guilty of the manslaughter of David Morley near Waterloo Station, in London. Barry Lee, 20, and another 17-year-old were cleared of all charges. According to press reports, “The 15-year-old girl had told Morley that she was making a documentary about ‘happy slapping’ before her gang of friends kicked him to death.”

Denmark, 10 May 2006: Two men aged 17 and 19 attacked a woman in Copenhagen; one kicked the victim while the other filmed the incident using a mobile phone. Two plain clothes police officers saw the incident, and the assailants were immediately arrested and the mobile phone confiscated.

Sweden, 1 September 2006: After a 16-year-old boy happy-slapped and hospitalised a 15-year-old Balkan boy in the city of Örebro, the victim’s 17-year-old sister stabbed and killed the assailant with a hunting knife and claimed self-defence. The killing was filmed and distributed online.

Australia, 23 October 2006: Police in Victoria launched an investigation into the contents of a DVD at the centre of the 2006 Melbourne teenage DVD controversy which contained footage of several teenagers sexually assaulting a girl and setting her hair on fire. Copies of the film were allegedly sold at the Werribee Secondary College for $10.

United Kingdom, 26 January 2007: Andrew Elvin, 17, was jailed for a minimum of 12 years for the murder of Luke Salisbury, who died three days after being attacked by Elvin on 2 March 2006. Caine Hallett, 18, was sentenced to five years for manslaughter for the same incident, while Danielle Reeves, 18, faced a retrial in May 2007 for manslaughter.

United Kingdom, 14 February 2007: Eight youths set upon a 31 year-old man in Brighton, who turned out to be an amateur boxer. Two of the youths were hospitalised by the intended victim and four were arrested for causing an affray.

United Kingdom, July 2007: Anthony Anderson, 27, of Hartlepool, urinated on a dying woman while a friend made a video of the incident. He is reported to have yelled “This is YouTube material!” [30]

United Kingdom, November 2007: Emily Nakanda, 15, a contestant in the TV show The X Factor, withdrew from the competition after a happy slapping video in which Nakanda allegedly attacks a teenage girl was discovered on the internet.

United Kingdom, February 2008: A 15-year-old girl admitted filming the death of Gavin Waterhouse, 29, in a “happy slapping” attack which ruptured his spleen, and was convicted of aiding and abetting manslaughter. She was sentenced to two years detention. The judge stated that the courts had to make an example of such youths.

United Kingdom, May 2008: A teenage girl fell to her death from an attic window while trying to escape a “happy slapping” girl gang.

United Kingdom, August 2009: A retired care worker was assaulted and killed by two teens as he left his house of worship.”

Yes because…

Instead of taking away phones, using the premise that bullies are attention seekers; wouldn’t it be more sensible to figure why they crave attention or why their willing to use extreme violence to promote themselves?

From fights over a girl at the gate, underage sex, rape, teen pregnancies to Latrine humiliations, none of this is new. All of these things have been reported in books, journals, articles, movies and T.V programs dated from before everyone over 13 had a cell phone. To blame cellphones for this , is rubbish.

The logical answer has always been psychological counselling, juvenile imprisonment or some other curative/preventive/disciplinary action. To snuff/censor the act is to censure it . It is the least effective and most ignorant way to handle this. Pretending there isn’t a problem, won’t do away with it.

No, the schools have phones, the students can use those.

No because…

The students at school bring their phones in case of an “emergency”. But realistically the only serious emergencies that are happening at school are forgetting your gym clothes or lunch one day.

In my school particularly, an elementary school, you shouldn’t need a cellphone, there is a phone in every classroom, as long as you ask the teacher, they’ll probably let you use it, but with a personal cell phone, students can always get distracted and be tempted to use them during class.

Yes because…

no cellphones should not be allowed in school

No because…

I think cellphones are a bad idea to bring to school because there is a probability that your phone might get lost, and you are going to have to tell your parents that you lost the phone.

They would get really mad at you.

The other bad thing about bringing your cellphone to school is that someone might steal it and not give it back to you. They also might call random people and talk to them.

If your cell phone has an annoying ring tone it might ring in class and the teacher might take it and not give it back to you. There are so many things that can go wrong so i think that cellphones should not be allowed in school. If there is an emergency then you can use the office phone or use your friends.

Yes because…

they can be used to cheat on tests

No because…

with all the new smartphones that have internet access, it is easy enough to simply google an answer.

Even non smart phones can be used to text answers.

Yes because…

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3 years ago

I’m Just Doing This Because My Teacher Is Making Me Do An Essay On This

your mom
3 years ago

why are you on the computer so late!your grounded!! get off the electronics!!

3 years ago
Reply to  your mom


3 years ago

My teacher keeps staring at me. Imma say hi.

Update- I have detention for disrupting the class

3 years ago

Who is the author???

3 years ago

i think mobile phones should be used in school because it could help if u were in a test and u had to calculate supa big number to calculate

3 years ago

I’m just here bc my teacher is making me do an argumentative essay

Timothy Weiandt
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


3 years ago

Im just here bc my teacher is making me do an essay

3 years ago

I think phones should be aloud bc they are used for many ways to learn and help us at school all tho they can be a distraction they can be very helpful to use learning apps or for emergencies.

3 years ago

Keep it up

3 years ago

I think that phones should be allowed in school for emergencies, better to have and not need than to need and not have.

4 years ago

cell phones should be allowed in school to a degree. They can be used for educational purposes.

Joey Charles
4 years ago

Phone users in school are prior to watching uneducative webshows and easily get influenced in what they view, so I think there should be a certain age were parents should get his/ her child cell phones..🙂🙂

Samuel temiloluwa
4 years ago

Cellphone should not be used because it is also seen as a form of intimidation

4 years ago

they should allow it in school and because I’m DIFFRENT🥶

4 years ago

Yes it should be allowed

Timothy Weiandt
3 years ago


john ate
4 years ago

students should be aloud to have phone since it can make class fun and not so boring like it always is.

3 years ago
Reply to  john ate

But if you use cell phone in class, why even bother coming to school to just use your phone at home? And how do you know if it will make class better?

4 years ago


Erin Gorski
4 years ago

I wish I had a cell phone in college I would of been able to call my mom, say hey my computer is broken buy me a new one I have to register for classes, instead of wondering if my school phone did long distance and use my RA computer, lose my paper of classes to register for and fail senior year cause I’m working the desk with no laptop to figure out the random classes I registered for in my RA computer. No money to pay for a laptop and the library closes at 10pm every night! Have money in my checking account wired to me. Now living paycheck to paycheck cause I had no cell phone or good quality laptop in college. Now made fun of ….when junior year made As. But that’s what people think my generation is rich and well off, but were not! We just work harder and get paid less than what we are truly deserved, because we respect our elders.

4 years ago

I think it should be allowed only for High School students, as they have jobs and other important things. They might also have plans that are written on their phone that they need to check before making more, and so forth. But I don’t see a reason for middle schoolers and down to have any except if they forget the numbers, most schools have phones you can use. Theyre just a distraction to be honest.

Last edited 4 years ago by Lee
4 years ago

i dont think phonges shood be in school because they are a districan in school

4 years ago

I think student should be allowed to use cellphone

school needs phones
4 years ago

phones at schoool yes form high school

4 years ago

I don’t think phones should be allowed. If you use phones to “understand it better” you may just as well not go to school at all. There are teachers to clear your concept and none of them mind in repeating it a thousand times to clear your concept. These phones can spoil children as they start relying on them completely and can easily hide them in tests and say they haven’t any and then use it to cheat. Not good😑😑.

4 years ago
Reply to  Amnah

Do you really take us for animals excuse me we do not do that with our phones we use them properly and don’t talk shit eh

Samuel temiloluwa
4 years ago
Reply to  Arya

You are saying nonsense,is it not the same phone u are using to insult others

4 years ago
Reply to  Arya

most of the students i know use their phones to cheat or do the work for them and dont even get me started on distraction. phones are very distracting during school and this is coming from a high school student

Kayleigh Ellsworth
4 years ago
Reply to  Arya

I know where you’re coming from. However, I think Amnah is just trying to say how she feels. I have a feeling she didn’t mean to be offensive.

4 years ago

n’t think kids should have phones in school because kids get cyberbullied and 4,400 kids a year commit suicide because of it and no one can go a second without picking up a device like if there’s a commercial in between a movie on the tv the first thing people do is pick up there phone and when people are at the table they start picking up there phone and totally ignoring the other person and not interacting with others and there are some people who disagree witch i totally understand because there are also some good things about cell phones like kids can use them for a learning tool or if they miss the bus they can get a ride or if they forget something at home that they can text someone at home and ask them to bring it so there are a lot of good and bad things about cell phones being allowed in school and there are also a lot of opinions.

4 years ago
Reply to  ali

That’s true but we work our way through it even if it’s very hard

3 years ago
Reply to  Arya

I know I’m a little late to rep but I think it’s best to say that you’re wrong. You talked like those lives doesn’t matter.

4 years ago

I don’t think kids should have phones in school because kids get cyberbullied and 4,400 kids a year commit suicide because of it and no one can go a second without picking up a device like if there’s a commercial in between a movie on the tv the first thing people do is pick up there phone and when people are at the table they start picking up there phone and totally ignoring the other person and not interacting with others and there are some people who disagree witch i totally understand because there are also some good things about cell phones like kids can use them for a learning tool or if they miss the bus they can get a ride or if they forget something at home that they can text someone at home and ask them to bring it so there are a lot of good and bad things about cell phones being allowed in school and there are also a lot of opinions.

5 years ago

Guys let me tell u something
Most teachers prepare their lessons from the internet so the teachers are depending on internet then why don’t students use internet or “google” to prepare the lesson before the teacher explain it then they would have a background about the lesson and if they had a question they would ask.
Another thing is that searching for an answer for ur question helps u understand it more than receiving a direct answer .seeing much point of views help u understand something from all directions more.
Also it will help students just to carry their devices that has their ebooks and never carry all their books that weigh more than 8kg every day that will cause for them back problems. ofcoarse studying in electronic books would be different than in real books but it will help students more.
Also it would me more fun in doing activities for students using programs like “Kahoot” and more.
And then its according to the student to follow rules or to not and get hisself into problems and distraction, so the school need to do its job in teaching and that’s all.
This is written by a student in 8th grade in a school where electronic devices are not allowed.

Kayleigh Ellsworth
4 years ago
Reply to  Unknown

We in fifth grade use Kahoot too!

Andrew Readinger
5 years ago

I think that phones should be allowed at school because students could just put them in their booksacks during class and if they need to call their parents if their sick or they need something they can. Phones aren’t even that big of a deal if you have them at break either because the key word is “BREAK”.

4 years ago

I think you are right

4 years ago
Reply to  bob

you are wierd

Jeff Terrell
4 years ago

I love my phone but it is really old so I can’t use it to much 😭

4 years ago

Thumbs up

5 years ago

Rebuttal of “If used correctly, they can diminish interruption”
Of course the focus of many school rules is to minimize distraction to other members of the class, but think about that student as well. School rules focus on minimize distraction to every class member, including the most talkative ones.
So imagine every class member participated to the teacher but the student with their Ipod participated on their favorite music. That student may not speak, but they can’t focus on the class, ‘cause they’re focus on their fav songs !
And then there is test. Maybe in class the student did take notes and listens well. But think about it. There are many ways to cheat when you have an Ipod. For example, record the lesson and in exams just simply plug your earphones, put it on, play the record and pretends to move like you’re listening to music, and no one knows you’re cheating!
Believe me, that would be a very common way to cheat if schools allow electronic devices. And then e ven the teacher checks the songs, when the record is done they could change the name into name of songs. So with just an Ipod you can cheat, let’s better not think about ways to cheat with cellphones and other devices that is smarter than an Ipod

5 years ago

To prevent cheating, teachers can keep the students’ phones in a protected place. A way to discourage students from trying their luck is to threaten to confiscate phones for a long period of time. Students will (hopefully) think about the huge consequences and allow their teachers to hold onto their cell phone during the test period.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That’s why students shouldn’t depend on the phones to study. As they search answers from the internet, they become dependant on phones and become too overconfident that they can’t listen to the teachers. Which leads them to fail in the exams.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh

If they shouldn’t depend on the internet to study then what should they depend on? Books? The internet is the biggest place of information in the world. To not use the internet to study is you being a huge idiot.

sheik abdul
5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

But that has a downside for students may carry an extra cell phone with them or even use calculators which may not be allowed for the tests and yet they resort to cheat even if the teacher confiscates all the phones under his or her watch their can be a big problem where by a phone gets lost and the teacher will be held responsible.many in this way have a great loss which would bot ha e happened if the phones were banned at first place.rather than wasting time collecting phones and starting tests it is better to never be allowed in school

4 years ago
Reply to  sheik abdul

U are right

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Children should carry phones for emergencies and research because public schools do not have computers and then should be taken away when not needed

5 years ago

I think that it should be allowed in school because it can be used as an emergency tool, can use educational apps, it’s a convenient way to stay in touch, it is an extra layer of security, and can be a research tool. I agree, that some people won’t use it for this, but it can easily be turned off and put in a pocket. Some school districts (most) have restricted some websites and stuff like that so it won’t be a problem.

5 years ago
Reply to  Yokai

I think that the majority of the students don’t use phones properly even after many precautions. There are also many websites which are inappropriate to watch for students whose duty is to study. They get addicted to games. But even if a student doesn’t get addicted to games, the student uses the media to get their answers i,e., The Google, the student will get addicted to search answers instead of thinking by his own. This causes the sense that the student has READ the answers, but can’t remember their answers as the habit of finding answers by themselves gets over. This causes less memory abilities. It also causes them to be overconfident of themselves which may lead them to fail in exams. This causes to things; they cheat in exams or getting themselves in the state of depression, which causes them tension and have lacking abilities to study properly. These are one of the main reasons to the teens who remain in depression. So it’s better to use mobiles in home or ask teacher for any doubts. It’s a strong opinion of me to not use mobile phones in schools.

Im Cool
5 years ago

I think they should be able to have phones in school because they can be used to look up a word in a dictionary or if they don’t know how to spell a word they can look up how to spell it on the internet.

5 years ago
Reply to  Im Cool

I think if phones can help in spellings, then why are the teachers available in schools. Or it’s better to study at home if you want to study from internet. Asking helps from the teachers helps the students for getting better information from the point where the student is lacking the most. Teachers can understand students clearly whereas say all the answers are understood by the internet. As the internet is made from the human brain, it is better to ask from a teacher. It’s said that no super computers can run as fast as the human brain.

yo bro
5 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh

but the cruelness and discrimination among the student’s by the teachers in today’s world are constantly growing day by day which is not helping one. in fact, it is demotivating the students which is leading to bad results.

5 years ago
Reply to  yo bro

But what if a student is sick or just needs to know how their gong to get home they’re going to need a mobile phone to communicate with their parents.

4 years ago
Reply to  Grace

No the teachers have phones to do this.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mahesh


6 years ago

I was surprised when a 12 year old child’s iPhone 10 that was fully charged when he left for school was at 3% by the time he returned home. He said that there was a substitute teacher for 2 of his classes, so there wasn’t any teaching – just gaming for those 2 hours. In his remaining 4 classes, there was at least a half an hour in each class to play games on the phone. Is this what education has become in the modern age? The teachers just sit there playing on their phones while the class does the same? Parents have no way of limiting screen time even if they want to with an educational system that allows them to play games on their phones during most of the school day at times. There isn’t free WiFi for the kids, so I am guessing it’s not the school system’s official ‘teaching’ plan. Surprisingly, this is a decent school system in a fairly well to do area. There are health ramifications from this type of radiation exposure as well but I won’t open that can of worms here.

6 years ago

No mobile phone should not be allowed in the school allowing mobile phone will rise the competition between student as overwhelm of latest and expensive model of mobile so according to my view mobile phone should not be allowed in the school and if it is allowed the student who want to do study also did not take his attention to the study because we know that there are many interesting social networks like WhatsApp Facebook YouTube histogram vidmate etc. that attract students are people towards it and if we use it as a nice way that it is useful but if we start to use it for malicious purpose then it become very dangerous

5 years ago
Reply to  Neha

Some study material phone and tablet are also there in which all the system is related to the studies only so this will help them and not disattract their mind and help them in studies

4 years ago
Reply to  Urmila

Yes but then they might cheat in exams

nokwazi jamile
6 years ago

yes I think children should bring cell phones to school because sometimes in life you need knowledge from the society and sometimes you just have to do it yourself but many people would prefer learning from their phones. besides that what if a learner struggles in school and needs to research something from the internet. or maybe a learner takes some type of medicine e.g. pills for HIV, and that person sets a timer on their phone and when they need to take the pill they forget because phones are not aloud in school. we need to consider phones in school because you never know what would happen if you do not bring your phone

6 years ago

I think we should be allowed to have phones in school. There are many reasons that support my asserts.

Having a phone in school lifts a huge burden off of parents because it is a way of contacting them in case of an emergency, such as a fire. You can also use it to tell them when you are going to be home. Also, if a teacher wants you to contact your parents, you have a simple and easy way of doing so. Thousands of students have been saved from events that would have been disasters, if it weren’t for their phones.

A phone can also be used for educational purposes. You can ask if you can play on educational apps like Prodigy and Khan Academy. Your phone may also serve as a calculator, for tests, projects, or assignments that allow calculator usage, such as sine, cosine, and tangen. You might also be able to use your phone to take pictures of notes so you can write them down later.

Phones are a great resource to cure boredom with. Many students have nothing else to do on the bus, so they turn to their phones to kill time. Also, if allowed, you can go on your phone during your free time or after lunch.

However, there are a lot of contradictory insight on my opinion. Many people ruminate that phones are a huge distraction, and could disturb teaching at any point of time. Others deduce that students in this generation are irresponsible and abuse the privilege of having phones. In spite of that, I object. We are responsible, and very rarely do things come out of hand in the subject of students having phones out in clas

brad gillespie
6 years ago

Cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in schools. Just imagine being a teacher and trying to get a little focus from your class, when they have their phones just out of sight, and are constantly checking them. There isn’t any easy way to monitor this, and it isn’t a teacher’s job to be bothered with it. A teacher’s job is to teach, not to monitor a group of unfocused brats who aren’t paying attention. And if you really need to contact someone, ask the teacher if you can go to the office and make a call! — rather than sneaking off to the bathroom to make one. If someone outside the school really needs to get ahold of you, they can call the office! Gee — just how the hell do you think anyone survived 40 years ago? It certainly wasn’t by being constantly in need of knowing if anyone had liked something we did or said, or posted….and feeling the need to be the attention of everyone you are connected to. Imagine just how much more real-self esteem you would have if you weren’t so dependent on never ending attention from your ‘cell’ mates! Leave the phones home.

5 years ago
Reply to  brad gillespie

If the teacher is making the students bored, it’s their own fault for the students taking the phones out. If the teacher actually makes the class interesting, the students won’t go on their phones to play or to chat.

4 years ago
Reply to  brad gillespie

But it isn’t 40 years ago now… Think about it. These are modern times. Phones do exist and we should use them to their best ability. Students should adapt to using tools around them. Yes, they shouldn’t be used the whole class, but maybe it would be healthy for them to be incorporated into new learning tactics. The possibilities are endless! There are educational apps and websites, and many, many learning tools that only exist on a Cell-Phone.

6 years ago

For students there are some helpful educational purposes for carrying around your phone at school, like if the teacher doesn’t have enough time to create a quiz for an activity in class on paper then the teacher can turn to online purposes and look towards Kahoot, a quiz website and app that allows people to connect together via a code and participate and compete against each other in a friendly point scoring game, also other apps help the students like pre-built in apps like calculators and other gadgets that are easily obtained from the app store or the google play store, for example, the dictionary or a thesaurus, also not in teens but also in primary school kids where learning apps can help them to read or write via having to waste any paper, using technology more these days has actually had a drop on paper production and it continues to do so even in the future, this means our planet can grow more trees resulting in more oxygen and better more important air to breathe, who uses paper the most out of any group of people on the planet, the answer would be students either if that’s at school, high school or even at university, all of it means you still use paper so switching to electronics more means that you are using less paper in the long run.
I feel that electronics are the better way to go yet mostly older people from older generations don’t agree with what phones and laptops for example are doing to the society these days, it’s a new world and if we are going to survive with all of this new tech then we need to adapt the right way so why are schools banning phones and tablets instead of teaching us about the importance of these new tools.
Music in schools is also another really good debatable topic, some people say that it doesn’t help you learn and some people say that it does help learning but why do they disagree, is this because that when in class they can’t hear the teacher talking or is it because some people have there music too loud or get distracted, there are lots of ways resulting in better outcomes without banning these electronics, if schools weren’t lazy and just managed the outcome of phones and music coming into the school grounds then I bet that an increase of learning from students will increase, music in teens relaxes the mind and takes off stress, if music is all at a low setting so that the student can still think and not just be listening to the music to keep them entertained or not focused. If in a test then students can just put there phones in a box or so to stop from cheating even if they were able to cheat I still think that there’s a lot better and sneaky ways to cheat a test because just say a phone out in an exam in a open room with markers walking around I doubt that a finger could even slip into the students pocket without the markers noticing. Phones do benefit kids as they are helpful and useful in schools, especially in emergencies and other important matters, I read on a site that doesn’t think phones should be in schools that if there’s an emergency that the parents can just call the headmaster or deputies but I find that a problem if it’s embarrassing for the student and they don’t want them to know.

There are many different schools all around the world and as a student right now, researching comments and discussions for my topic of “should cellphones be banned in schools” my strong belief is NO they shouldn’t be at all, there’s so much good and little bad, instead of banning them, teacher’s get off your ass and stop being lazy, parents stop being so harsh when you have no clue what actually goes on at school, most of students are good anyway and i understand the distraction issues and problems iv talked about before but it annoys me how older generations aren’t letting us new generations spread our wings, but anyway this was a waste of time, look at the vote, we win.

Yessica Haircut
6 years ago

I do think devices should be allowed in school.Right now I’m actually writing a paper on whether or not electronics should be allowed in the classroom. I think yes because, one, it could be used in an emergency to contact home, two, they can encourage educational engagement and lastly, they can be used as tools, and replace workbooks, or other school supplies.Tech in school has a lot of benefits and if more schools allow it in their school it will boost the education of their students.

6 years ago

youtubing, gaming and chatting is not going to boost their education which is mostly what they do with their cellphone. most students now a days dont use technology as an educational advantage but instead using it more for non-sense activity. When your in school, your focus is to listen to your teacher and get an education face to face, I would say children are more less intelligent and lazy now than before the era of cellphone devices. this is my opinion about this topic. :)

6 years ago
Reply to  Trade

Youtube has tutor videos that help much more then teachers
education games such as study island and khan academy, prodigy as well
Chatrooms designed for learning can be useful because kids ask questions they are stuck on and other people can hep them

5 years ago
Reply to  Trade

well if kids nowadays are “dumber” than kids from other eras, (I’m guessing that this is somebody from a previous generation) then how come your grammar sucks? “When your in school, your focus is to listen to your teacher and get an education face to face, I would say children are more less intelligent and lazy now than before the era of cellphone devices.” Here, let me fix that for you “When you’re in school, your focus should be on learning, and listening to your teacher. I would say children are less intelligent, and more lazy, then before cellphones were created.”
Not to mention when online, you can learn on your own, even when watching YouTube. Of course not EVERYTHING is educational, but being a kid is not all about learning. Being a kid is also about enjoying life while you are young. I always hear people say school is the easiest time of anybodies life, so why not enjoy it? When you are on vacation, do you constantly worry about bills? No and yes, you keep it on a tab in your mind, but you don’t obsess over it.

3 years ago
Reply to  schoolkid

It would be easier if the teachers were not always on their phones.

7 years ago

Yes, And the truth is that cell phones have many educational apps as well. Which do you think would be more fun and exciting for a student? Either studying with a boring book that is hard to understand, or playing an educational app that is still studying, but much more exciting

6 years ago
Reply to  Zaina

I think you are right. when kids feel more stress with books they, of course, will prefer using an educational app on phone. for example, byjus is a learning app which helps in maths so much. isn’t that cool!!

7 years ago

i think that there should let us have our phones in school because if our parents of someone that happen in there house they can call their parents or if there was an emergency in school like this is for the girls out there if the peried has happpen you can call your parnts

Tseereng Deki Tsho
7 years ago

No Phones should not be allowed in the school.
Not only would cell phones cause distraction to the kids who are carrying them, it will also pose a distraction to the kids who aren’t carrying their phones on them and are trying to learn.

Cheating on tests would also become a growing problem. In many schools, cheating is already a great problem. And them cheating would become a lot more easier.

With expensive phones on everyone’s bag,there would be stealing too! And there would be a unhealthy compitition to see who has got the latest and the hottest brand.

It would make bullying a lot more easier. Rumors and news will spread 10times faster. The faster form of bullying would make school even worse for kids who are already bullied.

7 years ago

i think we should cause some kids are actually use there phones in a responsible ways so the kids that use them responsibly should be able to use there phones in class. Also ones who don’t use there phones in a responsible way shouldn’t be able to use there phones in class.

A kid at school
5 years ago
Reply to  lauryn

I agree lauryn with but the fact that bullying easier because there are no bystanders to witness the bulling and the fact that you can text anonymously so they wont even know who bullied is worse. But who Knows i am Just a kid at school.

Julia Darwin
7 years ago

If the class is taking a test then all the kids should focus on what they are writing. But listening to music will distract them as then they’ll focus on music not on their exam. How can somebody focus on exam while listening to music. And also studies say that listening to soft music helps in getting to sleep. If their is such question in which the child is stuck, then he/she will feel sleepy despite of concentrating on his exam and try to solve that question.

7 years ago

I think that these cellphones should not be banned from schools why? Because theses gadgets can help students in learning and eventually makes the works of students much more easier. With just a single tap or a swipe students could go to diffetent educational sites that they would gain knowlegde from. If you are going to complain about the fact that theses students are using these gadgets during class hours why not do some disciplinary actions? You can confiscate cellphones as a teacher. But only confiscate them during class hours and just let the students use them during break or recess. These phones could also be used especially when really needed like an emergency or something students could text or call there parents when they have transportation problems or if they are going to stay in school for an activity. It eventually lessens the nervousness of the parents … And they know the where-abouts of their children.
So I say yes.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mfaulkerson

ban during lecture hours is the way to go.

7 years ago

Phones should be allowed in school, but with limitations. I believe that phones should be kept in lockers/backpack unless the person in question wants to call their parents. Not in class. This means no happy slapping, no harassment, no cheating on tests, no distractions. This way, you can call your parents for safety reasons. My friend has anxiety when she doesn’t have her phone with her, and she could just take her backpack to class and not get her phone out. It works for everyone.

There is, of course, a phone at the office that you could use if you wanted to call your parents, but the problem is…

My friend didn’t have her viola at school. Since orchestra was later in the day, she thought she’d call home and ask for it. They wouldn’t let her call her parents with the office phoneI let her use my phone, they found out and lectured me. I mean seriously, why wouldn’t they let her use the phone? She wanted to call to get materials for learning!

I once didn’t feel well and asked to call my parents. They asked me to go to the nurse’s office and said they would send someone. I waited there for twenty – thirty minutes and then just decided to power through the day since they obviously forgot about me. I did it and then went home. I later threw up at home.

After the first incident, my mom emailed the principal about it and asked them if I could just use my phone to call her if I ever felt ill or wanted to go home. The principal never responded.

So we’ve decided that silence is agreement. I’ve texted my mom on a few occasions and it’s been very helpful, especially if I forgot something or Track was canceled and I needed to tell her. One time, there was a lockdown because someone got shot a few blocks away, and it was very relieving for both of us to just be able to text each other.

The sister of a friend of mine was once actually very sick- sicker than I was- and they wouldn’t let her call home. They just had her wait in the nurse’s office like they did to me. She couldn’t call home because they wouldn’t let her. I’m not sure what happened if she finished the day of school or finally got to go home, I just know that she had the flu and couldn’t go home.

I don’t trust the people at the office to let me call home if I need to. They’ve proved themselves untrustworthy in the past. Students should ALWAYS have the power to call their parents, even if they don’t give an explanation to their teacher.

I believe this resolves all the ‘no’ points, while still allowing phones for safety reasons. If you see any way the above could be improved, please comment below.

7 years ago

On April 20, 1999, 2 teenagers walked into Columbine High school carrying sub-machine guns and homemade bombs intending to do some major damage. 13 innocent students were murdered and many more would have been if it weren’t for some students and their cell phones. 1 student, hiding for his life, calls 911 and describes the location of the school, and what the murderers looked like. If it weren’t for him and his cell phone and many others, many other students would have died.

7 years ago

I think they should be allowed in school but not in classrooms. I have had several occasions where a hockey/netball/football match has been rearranged and I can’t let me parents know in time (my school has a strict phone ban). Phones could be distracting in lessons but at break or lunch, I think it is fine.

Shaun Barnes
7 years ago
Reply to  Ella

I think cellphones should not be allowed in school because they could cheat in a test or call and text people and not do their work and just sit and play games when the teacher is talking or their working on a test

Avery Smith
7 years ago
Reply to  Shaun Barnes

I agree with you because shcools have phones for kids to use they might not be iphones or samsungs but at lest they work

7 years ago

no, because if there is a family emergency, the parents can contact the teacher/principal and reach the students through there. “as a learning aid” most schools nowdays have computers,tablets,phones, ect. for easy use WHEN AND OLNY WHEN THE STUDENTS NEED SOMETHING. students can come to the teacher and say; may i use use my chromebook/tablet/phone and look up soandso? if its appropiate, the teacher will say “yes” if they think it is innapropriate,the teacher can say “no”. they can be used to cheat on tests.

Ayisha Awudu
4 years ago
Reply to  james.dolezal



7 years ago

Yes cellphones should be allowed as every coin have two sides likewise if we try to see and accept the positive one it have positive effects

7 years ago

should students be allowed to use cell phones in school? Well yes kids should be allowed to have cellular devices in school. Many parents want to be informed if their kids will be coming home and that way with a cell phone you can and warn your mom that you will not be coming home because maybe you are going to a friends house or you have a game after school. I think that they can have a phone but they can’t use it in class. In my opinion if students will use it for something good then they should be able to use cell phones in school.cell phones make it possible for students to stay in touch with family and friends. A student can call home and ask a family member to bring them a forgotten assignment or lunch money or to come pick them up if they are sick. Also, cell phones allow parents to keep track of their children’s whereabouts before, during, and after school. And, of course, there’s always the possibility of a student needing to contact a parent because of a dangerous situation. Thus, having a cell phone is like having a guardian angel. Students can also connect with friends, but not just because it’s a fun thing to do; my teacher asks us to text or email our friends when they are absent to let them know what’s going on in class and to inform them of any homework. When used responsibly, a cell phone can be an excellent communication tool.Geography and to keep track of my homework. My science teacher lets us use our computers to do research when we are doing group work or working on a project. For example, when we were studying weathering in chicago we did research on local jobs having to do with protecting the
Weather. Plus there are lots of great learning websites – including essay-writing websites – we can use to supplement the learning in class Cell phones are a quick and easy way to incorporate technology in the
Classroom. Cell phones should be allowed because they are useful to students. If a student does not ride the bus, he or she can call family members to pick them up to get a ride home. Cell phones can also be useful in school because they can allow students to look up things on the internet.If a student forgot his homework or calculator on the day of a calculus test, he could call his parents and ask them to bring it to school without causing a scene. In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents.

Storm Crow
7 years ago

Should Phones Be Allowed At School?
How do they affect our lives? Phones should not be allowed at school. Not only are they a distraction from education, but they expand the chances of a child cheating. Although parents take the excuse of emergencies or even the chance to be responsible, but really, children take the opportunity to be on their phone for mere entertainment. ‘Smart’ Phones should not be brought to school, it may damage brain cells. Emergencies are NOT an excuse. The teachers should be prepared for dangerous emergencies. We all should know by now that not many cell phones are used during emergencies. This could actually DISTRACT a child from an emergency. They would be focused on saving their electronics rather than their own lives.
What are phones used for? Sometimes phones are brought to school, used for entertainment, as stated in the paragraph before. Though students could cheat using their cellular device. Sometimes, allowing the use of the device could make the child more productive. Our lives are being affected by the use of the new technology. Even without access to technology, children could still learn by their peers and the information a book or even a teacher offers to them.
Not only is their education distracted, it is quite often that a child will leave their ringer or notifications on. This happens to distract not only themselves but the entire class.

7 years ago
Reply to  Storm Crow

So what if the child feels ill and needs to go home? Someone I knew became very sick and the office wouldn’t let her call home. Would you entrust your child’s safety, health, and well-being with a few office people you don’t know?

What if students walk home and they get stuck somewhere? Students should be able to call their parents at any time because situations might and will arise.

Phones should be allowed at school, but not in class. They should be left in the backpacks/lockers, but students can use them to call home at any time. This way: no distractions, no harassment, no cheating. Only safety.

8 years ago

i think cell phones should be allowed in schools because what if you are in a bad situation at home and no ones there you have to call someone close to you.

Crystal Dust
8 years ago

Phones should be allowed because what if there’s a emergency and the teacher isn’t there one of the students would have to call 911 but if phones aren’t allowed then how’s the kid supposed to get to the hospital 📱PHONES ARE USEFUL

Molly Henke
7 years ago
Reply to  Crystal Dust

I most definately agree!!

8 years ago

No, phones shouldn’t be allowed at school because it’s distracting and disturbing ,students may cheat using phones and take photos of students without pirmission .As a teacher I disagree with the point of getting phones to school

8 years ago
Reply to  Noor

But when there is a test or quiz the teacher can just take the phones and give the students there phone’s back after they are done .

8 years ago
Reply to  Sofia

It’s not just at a teat or quiz that students could do something that isn’t allowed. For example, they can text during study time or play games when they are supposed to be working on an assignment.

Joseph Stalin
7 years ago
Reply to  Noor

well simply create a large penalty (and i mean gigantic penalty) for taking pictures or doing anything your not supposed to

i agree
7 years ago
Reply to  Joseph Stalin

students will still find a way to cheat OR bypass the penalty.
there is a solution to everything!!

Some one
5 years ago
Reply to  Noor

But it can be taken away and the learner can be searched for any other mobile devices and that will also be taken away. It will only be used for educational purposes so it should be aloud to a certain extent. Heavy school bags are damaging the child’s health and well being and could cause problems in the future

Hailey Reinart
4 years ago
Reply to  Noor

Should students be allowed to use smart phones in school, I think yes. It could be a resources. How? Well what happens if the school internet goes out? You could use your phone hotspot. What happens if the class phone brakes and there is an emergency, and you have to get a hold of someone right away? People say “it interferes with your school work” it might but, a classroom phone could be just has distracting as a smart phone, with kids getting sent out of the class room and the teacher getting calls.
    According to cellphones.lovetoknow.com, you occasionally need to get in contact with your child while they are attending school. This could be because of a dying in the family, an accident or different household emergency that can also require his or her attention or attendance. You also might need to let your child know that they will be getting a different ride home for school, which it could put them at the other side of the school. You would want to tell you child this before they are allowed to leave there last period.

    Parentingskills.blog says, parents can send messages in regards to being late or reminder for appointments via text message or voicemail to their children and thus eliminate or reduce the amount of messages being passed to students by the office. As a student i agree that getting a note/ message through the teacher can be a little bit difficult. Someone could here the person calling wrong and give the wrong information to the school. If that happens and the kid leaves the classroom and then comes back because it was just a false alarm if could be frustrating for other kids.

Kayleigh Ellsworth
4 years ago
Reply to  Hailey Reinart

I completely agree! My class is doing a opinion paper on this, and I thing yes because
cell phones can be used for emergencies and education, substitute for computers, and can be silenced so as not to disrupt learning time. Any suggestions on what I could add?

8 years ago

Phones should be allowed in school, I get what you mean by it being a form of distraction in school but shouldn’t we have enough trust in students themselves to have enough responsibility to not let it distract. Okay so yeah there are those students who do use it to take advantage of things but in a way how are we (as students) supposed to learn these things to get better and learn from it? After all aren’t parents and teachers of this generation who say that we need to better from this technology upgrade?

Priyansh Dixit
6 years ago
Reply to  Polly

The students come in school to learn which makes it self explanatory that they are unwise and that they lack necessary experience, it is not weather we put our trust in them or not to do the right thing but do they even know themselves about what the right thing is.

Dennis Mwangi
8 years ago

Phones should not be allowed in school because,there is very high probability that students would use the phones inappropriately such that they cheat on exams and also other students without the cellphone may hv low self-esteem which may decline his performance

8 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Mwangi

These are some valid points.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Mwangi

we should because If a student forgot his homework or calculator on the day of a calculus test, he could call his parents and ask them to bring it to school without causing a scene. In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or shooting, cell phones could help students connect with worried parents.

7 years ago
Reply to  Emma

i agree with you phones might have a lot of negative character features, but don’t think negative guys think of all the good that phones can do to help society.

Zack Smith III
7 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Mwangi

If you want them to be successful in the real world, and use them responsibly, start them now, and guide them towards what is the right way to use them. Also if it is that big of a problem schools wouldn’t be changing their policies to accommodate cellphones.

Priyansh Dixit
6 years ago
Reply to  Dennis Mwangi

That is the sole reason invigilation exists, to make sure students do not cheat. Despite, students still cheat with the help of chits/notes and it is not that phones can be used in more secrecy because no phone will be smaller then how small a paper chit can be. The school will need to take care of cheating and even if it is not completely eradicated, it would be right to say that it can be moderated till a point. This is the best our system can do, with or without the allowance of cell phones.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dave

See ,we alwayss blame phones but i think phones are our great help i think using a phone is not bad . It is a common machine . And we have to think that how we should use phones.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dave

i think that they should be allowed to use there phones in class cause they could had of forgotten there laptop or something like that what they use for looking things up!

6 years ago
Reply to  Dave

i think phones should be allowed because in school,you wont have to carry big heavy bags nor write with pens nor need to waste money on stationary so phones can realy help students.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jason

What about if a child cannot afford or does not own a phone? When everybody pulls out their phone, they will probably be embarrassed or not be able to join the activity to do with the students Cell-Phones.

4 years ago
Reply to  anna

How old are you i want to tell you something important ♥ANNA♥
Also i liked your comment

4 years ago
Reply to  anna

well its good if the kids stay away from these bad things and why would the child feel embarrassed you are so dumb anna

Brendon Chile
4 years ago
Reply to  Aamna

Kinda rude Aamna.

4 years ago
Reply to  anna

Well, in my opinion, the school could supply them with the phone/device, I’ve seen countless occasions, where most people have a phone with them ready for the lesson, and a few don’t, so the teacher supplies them with a device. It works out, but that is just my opinion, and I deeply respect everyone’s opinion.

Brendon Chile
4 years ago
Reply to  JialZee

Respecting everyone’s opinion is very respective in itself. Great response JialZee.

Brendon Chile
4 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Exactly what I think Jason.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

students should bring phones to school because of an emergency and because students keep touch with their parents

4 years ago
Reply to  EMMA

That could work, but maybe at a certain time. So as the student would not be distracted, in lessons, I’ve seen the student has been texted/called by their parents, and it distracts the lesson. This is just my opinion, I respect yours if it differentiates from mine.

3 years ago
Reply to  EMMA

i just wan to say there are phones everywhere along the school so if in a emergency you can call on the school phone

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

phones are good for school because they can check their grades.

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