Discipline In Schools Needs To Be Improved

The amount of poor behavior in certain schools is still quite a lot we need to put in an effort into creating new disciplinary practices that are more effective and will reduce behavior problems in schools. yes discipline in schools should be definately iimproved because the students are getting spoilt and no sense of respect … Read more

Has Martin Luther King’s dream come true?

Many parts of Martin Luther King’s dream have come true, or much closer to fruition. The dream of ending segregation has been fulfilled and there is equal rights for all races. The USA and much of the world has moved a long way towards Kings wish that people should “not be judged by the color … Read more

Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child? Strict Parenting Works Best

Should parents be super strict? Guiding their child towards high academic achievement, only allowing certain pastimes that are beneficial, which of course the child has to excel at, traditionally this is a musical instrument. Or should they be laissez faire? Allowing their child to find the things they are good at, providing encouragement with just … Read more

Is accessing your spouse’s email account hacking?

Leon Walker from Michigan has been charged with hacking having accessed his wife’s email account. Not surprisingly accessing email, phones with their stored text messages and social networking sites is becoming one of the biggest ways of finding out if a spouse is cheating and the evidence is often used in court. Many give relations … Read more

Commercialization of Festivals and Holidays Has Eroded Their Real Significance

We have it on good authority that the commercialization of festivals and holidays – and objection to the commercialization of festivals and holidays – are ancient. Jesus of Nazareth disrupted a Passover celebration 2,000 years ago when he chased the money changers from the Temple at Jerusalem and said, “It is written, MY HOUSE SHALL … Read more

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