United Ireland: Yes or no?

United Ireland: Yes or no?

Ireland has posed a major political issue for Britain for centuries. It has centred around the desire of nationalists for an independent country which still hasn’t been settled. Northern Ireland over the past decade has found a strong basis for peace and has prospered massively economically. The issue of a single independent Ireland is a … Read more

Is there a World Water Crisis?

In recent years the UN and other International Organizations have pointed out as a major problem for this Century the shortage of water availability for human usage. The crisis is a widespread phenomenon but specially affects under-developed countries, where life can be seriously jeopardized due to the lack of this precious resource. All the Yes … Read more

Affirmative Action in South Africa does more harm than good

Affirmative Action was introduced to counter the effects of apartheid. However, the first democratic elections took place 14 years ago and yet affirmative action policies have strengthened. The policies, although implemented for an admirable purpose, have done the economy and moral of the country’s citizens more harm than good. All the Yes points: It resulted … Read more

All third world debt should be dropped

Over the past decade many countries in what we know as the ‘third world’ have borrowed huge sums of money from wealthier countries in times of strife. Do these debts now hanging like nooses around countries necks? Are they preventing economic expansion and ultimately wealthier populations? All the Yes points: The loans are preventing economic … Read more

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