Rebuilding after disasters, Government Role in

What role should the federal government have in rebuilding after disasters? Does its intervention do more harm than good, or is a national government the only actor able to plan strategically and direct the appropriate level of resources to areas of need? All the Yes points: The government exists to protect citizens and to help … Read more

The Police Should Use Racial Profiling To Tackle The Problems Of Illegal Immigration.

Illegal immigration has been a serious problem in many places of the World throughout history however even when every region of the World has the problem, it has very different causes (like push cases being very different from pull cases) and in very different amounts that require different ways of combating it. In the case … Read more

Dictatorship Is the Best Path to Development

Dictatorship is the best path to development

Dictatorship does not necessarily result in development, defined by human well-being(which incorporates education, health, income, and safety from internal and external threats)and even by personal discipline. Furthermore, there is no conclusive evidence proving that either dictatorship nor democracy cause development. Nonetheless, we will prove dictatorships incorporate more control over the variables that define development so … Read more

Democracy Is the Best Form of Government

Democracy is the best form of government

Churchill said “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Essentially that democracy has many flaws and problems but all the others have more problems. Now authoritarian countries such as China are potentially challenging this assumption by proving that authoritarian regimes are … Read more

1-child policy for every single country in the world!

I have always been thinking that 1-child policy can automatically solve EACH AND EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM OF HUMANKIND: energy supply and demand, energy poverty, petro-politics, climate change, and biodiversity loss. That’s in theory. However, as I have been looking at China to see how its effect would turn out to be, I have grown increasingly … Read more

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