Line Item Veto

The line item veto is a debate that is only really relevant to the United States. The US Constitution gives Congress, as the legislative branch of government the power of the purse. This means that all taxation and spending decisions (appropriations of federal government money for particular purposes) must be authorized by both houses of … Read more

In a Democracy All Votes Should Be Equal

One person, one vote is often a rallying cry for democracy activists. Everyone should have representation. But should everyone have equal representation? It would seem obvious that everyone should have the same say. Equality should be sacrosanct in a democracy should it not? There are however reasons why unequal votes may be necessary. The United … Read more

Children Should Have The Right To Vote In Elections

We say that we have universal suffrage, and barriers based on wealth, colour and gender have all been torn down. Yet children, who are affected by the decisions of governments, have no voice in deciding who should govern the country. Are they too ignorant, too lacking in intelligence? If so, why don’t we apply those … Read more

Trade vs Aid

Should the developed world focus on enabling trade or donating aid as a way to help the developing world? All the Yes points: Trade is a long-term basis for international co-operation. The other partner in a trading relations… Trade allows developing countries to retain their dignity. Aid is often seen as quite a patronising… Trade … Read more

Water Privatisation

Should water be treated as an economic good and managed accordingly? All the Yes points: Water is a resource subject to supply and demand, and so should be treated as an economic good. It … When water is not treated as an economic good, it is wasted. On a domestic level, unmetered access … Problems … Read more

Religious Leaders in Politics

Should religious ministers be allowed to hold political office? All the Yes points: Religious clerics could be subject to the authority of a religious hierarchy. Political office hold… Clerics will be incapable of representing their constituents equally; they will either be biased tow… In a multicultural society it is unlikely that clerics will represent only … Read more

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