State Funding of Political Parties

Should political parties be funded by the state rather than by individual and corporate donations? All the Yes points: Corruption is one of the most damaging elements in politics, as it involves a democratically elected… At the moment, the amount of money needed to run a successful election campaign prevents new parties… Why should parties … Read more

Internet Censorship

Should governments censor material on the world wide web? All the Yes points: Despite the generally prevailing principle of freedom of speech in democratic countries, it is widel… Censorship is tailored to the power of the medium. Accordingly there is a higher level of censorshi… That it is hard to censor the internet does not … Read more

Mandatory Retirement

Should the government enforce a mandatory retirement age? Is there an age when one is ‘past it’?! All the Yes points: The most critical consideration for extending the generally accepted age of retirement to a mandator… Mandatory retirement allows opportunity for more employment of younger people, especially in the top… By freeing up more places … Read more

Privatisation of the NHS [UK]

Should the NHS be privatised? All the Yes points: In the politics of today there is a noticeable commitment to the virtues of private enterprise and c… The issue of funding is a crucial one in this debate. The nature of private businesses fosters an en… The NHS is undoubtedly in crisis. It has been … Read more

Republic or Monarchy?

Should the monarchy be abolished? All the Yes points: The concept of monarchy is undemocratic. If the monarch retains any significant political powers (a… The concept of monarchy is also inegalitarian. Even if the monarchy retains little or no political … The costs of monarchy are unjustifiable. Typically monarchs and their immediate family receive subs… … Read more

Compulsory Voting

Should voting in elections be compulsory? All the Yes points: In all democracies around the world voter apathy is highest among the poorest and most excluded sect… A high turnout is important for a proper democratic mandate and the functioning of democracy. In th… The right to vote in a democracy has been fought for … Read more

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