Terrorism should not be allowed publicity

Should terrorist acts be allowed publicity through the internet, media, news services etc.? All the Yes points: When the media make public films of terrorist attacks, it provides terrorism with the oxygen of publicity. If you deny terrorists publicity, you prevent future terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks are specifically designed to be dramatic, bloody and terrifying. … Read more

Future Of Nation States

Does the traditional nation state have a future? All the Yes points: Seeing the world as a collection of separate nation states is still a meaningful way of understandin… Despite more international cooperation, people everywhere prize their distinct identities. The bigg… Globalisation has some benefits, but people do not wish to lose their own cultures. … Read more

The US Should Abolish Agricultural Subsidies

The US should abolish agricultural subsidies All the Yes points: Government intervention in the marketplace contradicts the values of free-trade advocated by the USA… Subsidies are expensive and represent a burden on the American citizen as taxpayer and consumer. Th… Subsidies cause poverty, both domestically and internationally by maintaining the prices of goods at… Subsidies … Read more

Prisoners Should Have The Right To Vote

Should people serving prison sentences be permitted to vote in elections? All the Yes points: Prisoners remain human beings. We should respect their human rights and should infringe upon their l… The views and needs of prisoners are currently not represented. Issues such as prison overcrowding a… Giving prisoners the vote would aid their rehabilitation, … Read more

Benefits of Corruption

Should public corruption be accepted as a normal state of affairs in countries at a certain stage of development? All the Yes points: Corruption reduces bureaucracy and speeds the implementation of administrative practices governing e… Corruption is a Western concept and is not applicable to traditional societies, where corruption doe… Corruption is a condition of … Read more

Capitalism vs Socialism

Which is the superior system – capitalism, or socialism? All the Yes points: The right to own property is central to man’s existence. Private ownership of property (including l… The drive to succeed as an individual is the strongest motivating factor a human being can feel in t… In capitalism, the market determines price, including … Read more

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