Are Polls Accurate Predictors of Election Results?

Polls have become an indispensable way for us to try and determine public mood. However, they’re not always accurate. They’ve been wrong many times in the past, most recently by predicting Obama would win primaries Clinton ended up taking. So do they tell us who’s going to win, or are they nothing more than an … Read more

Corporal Punishment Should Be Reintroduced

Corporal Punishment should be reintroduced

Corporal Punishment as described by the Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus (in one volume – 1990) is “punishment of a physical nature such as caning”. The term mainly relates to children being punished at school but can also refer to children being punished at home. As of 2008 corporal punishment has been banned in 24 countries, … Read more

Balance in the media

Should news broadcasters be required to be balanced and impartial in their reporting of events? All the Yes points: A free media should be just that, without a requirement for balance. The reporting of news is a vit… It is a double standard to impose requirements of balance on one form of media and not … Read more

NASA, Government funding for

Should the National Aeronautics and space administration (NASA) be government funded? All the Yes points: The government should stop funding NASA because it is not worth the $17 billion of taxpayers’ money … NASA is such an expensive part of the government budget that it would be better to redirect the mone… We should solve … Read more

United Ireland: Yes or no?

United Ireland: Yes or no?

Ireland has posed a major political issue for Britain for centuries. It has centred around the desire of nationalists for an independent country which still hasn’t been settled. Northern Ireland over the past decade has found a strong basis for peace and has prospered massively economically. The issue of a single independent Ireland is a … Read more

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