All countries should have the right to pursue a nuclear defence

The recent attempts of North Korea and Iran to build up their own nuclear weapons have raised the international awareness and have intensified the debate concerning the spread of nuclear weapons. The western world states that these countries are not stable enough to possess nuclear power. But does really this community have the right to … Read more

Should Smoking Be Made Illegal?

In his column on the BBC’s website Professor Terence Stephenson has called for parents to be stopped from smoking in cars. If his calls were enacted it would be the latest in a long line of restrictions passed on smokers. But is it time to do away completely with the tradition of having a “ciggie” … Read more

America should have universal healthcare

According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the United States is the “only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage” ( Obama has pledged to reform the healthcare service by increasing coverage and reducing costs ( This has reopened the long standing debate over whether … Read more

Governments Should Bailout Banks

Should the government bailout banks and financial institutions? All the Yes points: The government holds significant responsibility for the credit crisis. Firstly, the US government d… Supporting the banks helps the rest of the economy. Financial institutions provide the loans that b… Banks collapsing also hurts individual citizens. Many pension plans and retirement savings have … Read more

Absolute Monarchy was Limited Monarchy

Absolute monarchy always had its limits, these limits prevent it from becoming a despotism or a tyranny. However the theoretical limits on an absolute monarch were heavily contested at the time and today, how absolute a Monarch ever was is contested. There is even the question as to whether even the word absolutism means anything … Read more

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