Pre-nuptial agreements should not be recognised in divorce courts

Pre-nuptial agreements should not be recognised in divorce courts

All the Yes points: Prenuptial agreements should not be recognized in divorce courts Prenuptial agreements are either too lovely or not as lovely as they appear Pre-nuptial agreements conditions differ from future reality Pre-nuptial agreements constitutes a serious chance of abuse The Sunset provision Prenuptial agreements: The integral case Why should pre-nuptial agreements not be … Read more

Age Of Criminal Responsibility Should Be Raised

Should the age of criminal responsibility be raised to 16 or even 18 across the world? All the Yes points: Children do not have the emotional maturity to be responsible in law for their actions. We all know… Criminalising children harms their development and makes the situation worse. Being labelled as a c… Children who … Read more

Child Soldiers Should Be Prosecuted

Should countries prosecute child soldiers for the crimes they committed during wartime? Should there be an international minimum age of criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity? All the Yes points: Child soldiers are no different from child criminals. Child soldiers have been responsible for some… Many children volunteer to become soldiers in … Read more

Prison, Limiting to Violent Offenders

Are prisons appropriate for non-violent offenders, or should they be given alternative punishments? All the Yes points: Non-violent offenders can be adequately punished by other means: sentencers have a wide range of opt… Prisons harm offenders: all the available studies suggest that those who are given a custodial sente… Prisons should be reserved for those … Read more

Democracies should ban the display of communist and Nazi symbols

Democracies should ban the display of communist and Nazi symbols

In the recent years we have seen a dramatic increase in the popularity of some extreme political views that are unacceptable in democratic society. This problem harms all democracies, but especially it is harmful for young and instable democratic states. The Baltic states have entered the route of developing democratic states after the collapse of … Read more

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