It’s been said a camel is a horse designed by committee. And it’s true, too much input is debilitating. The thing is though, it’s very important to get staff involvement in decisions. Doing so gets buy-in for changes and, more importantly, provides access to your staff’s wealth of knowledge and expertise.
The problem is that online debates often go off-track or get bogged down in irrelevances. Petty squabbles or turf wars can erupt; and as a result either important information gets lost or it becomes inordinately hard to find – as anyone who returns from holiday to find an inbox packed with Reply To All’s will know.
What’s needed is a way to gather the best thinking of one side and contrast it with the best thinking of the other. We need a tool which involves as many as people as possible without creating something inaccessibly big. We need a tool that allows decision makers to get a quick overview of an argument’s pros and cons and where the level of thinking amongst stakeholders lies. We need a tool that enables decision makers to have all the information they need to make an informed decision.
That tool is Debatewise.