Bottled water is less healthy than tap water and plastic bottles are having a huge impact on the environment. It is time we stopped drinking bottled water.
All the Yes points:
- Its harmful to the environment
- People believe the marketing hype too much
- Bottled water is good where there is a lack of healthy water
- Bottled water costs up to 1,000 times the price of tap water
- Its no better for you.
- Bottled water is often just tapwater anyway
- Water quality
All the No points:
- It enhances enjoyment and feeling of wellbeing
- Invaluable for aid in natural disasters/famine
- Invaluable for travellers in areas with unsafe tap water
- It quite simply can taste better.
- They don’t leak into my bag at college
Its harmful to the environment
Yes because…
You end up with a bottle that needs to be recycled and often isn’t
85% of plastic water bottles become garbage.
The bottling companies find it easier and more profitable to let you throw the water containers away and buy a new one each time.
About 2 million of them are thrown away every hour.
Most bottles sold are actually small sized bottles, increasing the wastage
No because…
There are environmental costs to purifying tap water too. Not to forget the toxic materials necessary to pump and deliver the water to the tap.
Moreover the problems you raise are more with the bottles themselves and how we dispose of them than with the concept of bottled water per se. Biodegradable corn starch ‘polymers’ or a more responsible attitude to recycling would also solve the problem.
People believe the marketing hype too much
Yes because…
Marketing, that’s all it is. Like Madonna, it’s all hype.
The elemental problem with the purchase and continuation of the bottled water industry is the marketing of it; if bottled water were advertised simply as a means to hydration in the same way that juices, fruits themselves, tap water, etc. are seen by the general public, then it may soon be realised that the coincidental nature of the sounds of the words ‘l’evian’ and ‘live young’ are just that: a coincidence. Water that has trickled through mountains for hundreds of years will not be like ‘manna from heaven’ trickling from the edges of the holy grail, it’s just H2O.
No because…
so youre saying we shouldnt buy bottled water because you don’t like how its being advertised? Thats the dumbest reason to not buy a product i’ve ever heard. Really? So what how its advertised? If i want to buy a bottle of water i’ll buy it, i don’t care what the label looks like or how theyre being sold, i just want a damn bottle of water.
Bottled water is good where there is a lack of healthy water
Yes because…
We actually need some healthy water where taps can not provide that.
No because…
This doesn’t apply to most Western countries though and people there could easily rely on tap water for their needs.
<< wrong side of the debate :/
Bottled water costs up to 1,000 times the price of tap water
Yes because…
Why when it comes cheaply out the tap would you pay 1,000 times more? Volcanicity perhaps… Take, for instance, Pepsi’s Aquafina or Coca-Cola’s Dasani bottled water. Both are sold in 20 ounce sizes and can be purchased from vending machines alongside soft drinks — and at the same price. Assuming you can find a $1 machine, that works out to 5 cents an ounce. These two brands are essentially filtered tap water, bottled close to their distribution point. Most municipal water costs less than one cent per gallon.
Now consider another widely-sold liquid: gasoline. It has to be pumped out of the ground in the form of crude oil, shipped to a refinery (often halfway across the world), and shipped again to your local filling station.
In the U.S., the average price per gallon is hovering around $3. There are 128 ounces in a gallon, which puts the current price of gasoline at fraction over 2 cents an ounce.
And that’s why there’s no shortage of companies which want to get into the business. In terms of price versus production cost, bottled water puts Big Oil to shame.
No because…
Sometimes I am prepared to pay ‘up to 1,000 times the price of tap water’ for the convience of not having to carry water around with me. I can just buy a bottle when I need it and dispose of it when I’m finished. I’m prepared to pay a premuim for that.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=2219514242572637643&sa=X&ei=BImVT42xEIiw6AHVq8y2BA&ved=0CJ0BEPMCMAA
1 Gallon for $1. not a bad price…
Its no better for you.
Yes because…
The source of your bottled water is likely to be the same one that serves your home.
Coke revealed last year that the source of it´s highly publicized Dasani Brand water was London’s municipal water supply (with a 3000% markup).
PepsiCos Aquafina Brand bottled water is treated tap water coming from 11 different wells around the USA.
Mostly the only difference is that bottled water has added minerals and salts, which do not actually mean the water is healthier.
Drinking water is better for your teeth as it contains flourides. Bottled water does not.
No because…
The proposition forgets that most bottled waters marketed in this country are “mineral” or “spring” waters. For a water to possess the name of “mineral” or “spring” water, it must come from a spring in the ground and be bottled at source. Waters such as Dasani are unpopular – Dasani itself was itself completely withdrawn from sale in the UK. The bottled waters popular in this country, i.e. Evian, Volvic, San Pellegrino, Buxton, all come from natural springs and contain natural elements, such as iron, potassium etc, which are all necessary for the human body to function healthily. Often, some natural flourides occur in mineral water. Fluorides are only sometimes artificially added to tap waters, and in large quantities this has the undesired effect of staining teeth instead of improving their health. Tap water is often highly chlorinated. Bottled water does have a health benefit and is better than tap water.
Bottled water is often just tapwater anyway
Yes because…
It is often just straight from the tap and therefore no better for you than tap water. Case in point: The Coca-Cola company attempted to release Dasani water in the UK, which was just filtered tap water. It is still on sale in the USA. In theory, bottled water in the United States falls under the regulatory authority of the Food and Drug Administration. In practice, about 70 percent of bottled water never crosses state lines for sale, making it exempt from FDA oversight.
On the other hand, water systems in the developed world are well-regulated. In the U.S., for instance, municipal water falls under the purview of the Environmental Protection Agency, and is regularly inspected for bacteria and toxic chemicals. Want to know how your community scores? Check out the Environmental Working Group’s National Tap Water Database.
While public safety groups correctly point out that many municipal water systems are aging and there remain hundreds of chemical contaminants for which no standards have been established, there’s very little empirical evidence which suggests bottled water is any cleaner or better for you than its tap equivalent.
No because…
In the UK the terms ‘natural mineral water’ and ‘spring water’ denote water from an aquifer or underground source, with rules on hygiene and mineral content. Similar laws on how you describe your product exist in the US. If you’re stupid enough to pay a premium for something which just says ‘water, product of the Coca-Cola company’ then you probably deserve getting the hefty dose of bromide that came free in bottles of Dasani.
More importantly, whether or not the bottled water comes from the tap, there is still the convenience of being able to purchase, albeit at a premium, water without having to carry a bottle around with you. Moreover if you were, say, travelling in India, or any similar area, the very process of filtering the tap water is rather useful given the reputation of the country’s ‘potable’ water supply.
Water quality
Yes because…
The quality of water is very high in this country is very good. In foreign countries bottled water is only consumed because they cannot drink the tap water. There is no need to drink it.
No because…
Just because the quality of something is high does not mean that we should not have the right to drink it if we so wish. If we banned bottled water because “we don’t need it” where would this lead? We don’t need toasters – we can make fire. We don’t need washing machines because we can use the river. We don’t need cars because we’ve got legs. Banning bottled water would start an irreversible trend of banning that which it can be argued we don’t need.
It enhances enjoyment and feeling of wellbeing
No because…
Many products that are availabe on the market have little or no proven physical effect on a person’s wellbeing, but why should someone be denied the FEELING of improving their health?
Stripey socks do little to enhance a person’s life or wellbeing, and arguably uses valuable cotton resources and environment-harming dyes, yet one would be hard pushed to find a group to lobby against them!
Yes because…
Walking in the countryside, playing chess or swimming may improve one’s sense of well-being – but these activities have no detrimental consequences for the wider environment. This is not just a reference to the scientifically debatable concept of ‘carbon footprints’ &c. involved in bottle production and transit, but to the landfill and litter that the consumption of bottled water inevitably produces.
If it is the feeling of wellbeing one seeks, then purchase only one bottle, and re-fill it, as required from the tap, or perhaps a tabletop water filter. One doesn’t need to keep purchasing bottled water to feel good.
Invaluable for aid in natural disasters/famine
No because…
It is conceivable that should the demand for bottled water dwindle, manufacturers would have to shut down production in many factories. This would make bottled water less widely available and therefore more expensive.
It logically follows that this added expense and dwindling availability would effect aid and charity agencies who rely on cheap, readily availabe bottled water supplies for helping with widespread floods, and other natural disasters.
Yes because…
Bottled water means garbage
Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year. According to Food and Water Watch, that plastic requires up to 47 million gallons of oil per year to produce. And while the plastic used to bottle beverages is of high quality and in demand by recyclers, over 80 percent of plastic bottles are simply thrown away.
That assumes empty bottles actually make it to a garbage can. Plastic waste is now at such a volume that vast eddies of current-bound plastic trash now spin endlessly in the world’s major oceans. This represents a great risk to marine life, killing birds and fish which mistake our garbage for food.
Thanks to its slow decay rate, the vast majority of all plastics ever produced still exist — somewhere.
Invaluable for travellers in areas with unsafe tap water
No because…
In a cosmopolitan age, many tourists and business people wish, or are required to travel to areas of the globe where tap water is dangerous to drink, or simply not available.
However costly, bottled water provides a solution to the problem of water availability in such areas.
Given the length of time it takes to squeeze a cupful of water through a reverse osmosis pump, I suspect bottled water is here to stay for travellers.
Drinking ‘dirty but ‘purified’ water is ALWAYS a last resort for travellers. Also it tastes disgusting which is a pretty minor point morally speaking, but in any case will still affect large numbers of people.
Make it safe and not taste as horrible then try to convince people.
Yes because…
We could, if we could be bothered, take water purification devices with us. The inconvenience suffered would be far preferable than seeing beautiful paradise islands overcome by plastic bottles, as has happened in Thailand to my knowledge and I’m sure other places too.
We have a responsibility when we travel, the responsibility to leave the place as we found it – as much as we possibly can. Dumping water bottles ruins an environment for decades to come. Taking our own means of purifying water is the responsible thing to do.
It quite simply can taste better.
No because…
Some bottled water does unquestionably taste better. There maybe a risk of bacteria and financial wastage but bottled water gives the individual free choice.
Some tap water is also tainted with pollutants, when tap water in London was tested it was found to contain estrogen, and cocaine. Some people’s water is affected by peat content which makes the water brown and different local minerals that affect the taste.
Yes because…
There is a growing movement against bottled water. All kinds of folks from newspaper columnists to religious groups to city governments (for example, San Francisco, Salt Lake City) are eschewing bottled water.
Here’s why:
86% of plastic water bottles used in the United States become garbage or litter. That means less than 15% are recycled.
Transporting heavy bottled water uses lots of oil for shipping. More oil is used to make the plastic for the bottles. That means more air and water pollution, and increased dependence on petroleum products.
40% of the bottled water is just over priced, high-falutin tap water. Read the label.
They don’t leak into my bag at college
No because…
I take bottled water to college with me because they don’t leak. Every other flask or used plastic bottle i’ve tried has ruined my books.
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