Home / Debates / Computers and Internet / social networking sites should be banned at the workplaces

social networking sites should be banned at the workplaces

We know that this is an era of social networking sites,people are using these sites as they are mandatory to them and they are using them to the level of addiction.The networking sites are a very useful means of staying connected to the people you want to be connected with….now a days these sites are being used excessively in the offices during working hours which decrease the productivity of the employees and hence effect the overall profit of the company.most of the employees are just using these sites for the enjoyment purpose (and that too at the cost of their work)although these sites act as as a mind refreshing candy to the employees but taking this candy during working hours only decreases your working hours.these sites are so addicting that it is very difficult for any one to leave them so the only solution is to provide employees separate hours for this purpose…the timings of using such sites should be decided by the government through a consensus so that employees can chat to each other and can discuss something related to work with the employee of some other company.These sites can act as a very important tool in the publicity of the company if properly used…so all in all if these sites are used at a particular time so that they do not affect the working of the company they should be welcomed at every working desk in the offices…

All the Yes points:

  1. of course they should
  2. Soicial Networking Sites are a Time-Waster
  3. Work is work.

All the No points:

  1. relaxation,take away stress
  2. how am igonna call my mom

of course they should

Yes because…

I myself don’t work in an office environment, I’m a manual worker. If I stop producing work so that I can chat to whom ever passes by or I decide to phone up my friends or, even dig out my Iphone to trawl the internet, (let’s face it, that’s what it is) then I wouldn’t be in that job for much longer. Why should it be any different for an office worker? As for using social networking sites to contact employees of another company to discuss anything work related, that’s what telephones are for, or, and get this, E-mail. There is absolutely no excuse for being on these sites during working hours. If you can’t stay off these sites for more than a few hours each day, then I suggest you get help for your addiction/problem, or better still, go out and meet people, have a life and make new friends, preferably ones that are real. If you still can’t stay off them, then let someone who’s actually willing to work at their desk have your job. Remember there’s plenty out there who want it.

No because…

Soicial Networking Sites are a Time-Waster

Yes because…

Imagine the following scenario… you work for a business that i run. I pay you $10/hour to do your assigned tasks. You work for 8 hours a day. If you spent 1 hour every day on social networking sites chatting with your buddies and not doing your work, you just ripped me off for $10. It’s no different than you coming to my home and stealing $10 out of my wallet. This all adds up too. Even if you only spend 10 mins. a day, you rip me off for about $30 every month, or $360 every year. Remember, time is money. Doing personal things on your boss’s time IS STEALING. Playing online can wait until you’re off work.

No because…

Work is work.

Yes because…

Networking sites waste too much time in the workplace and employers(taxpayer) money. This does not happen in the private sector, it is a bad trait of the public sector office staff with no work to do. Having observed this in many public sectors sections,librarys,bins,jobcentres,forrestry offices….it goes on. The private sector has to achieve targets and profits.

No because…

The profit motive does not prevent workers from dossing from time to time; they are not in it for the profit themselves but for employment just like those in the public sector. Both get targets and both (at least at the moment during public sector cuts) are liable to be fired if not working.

relaxation,take away stress

No because…

I myself have been on Facebook before and I think its a place to catch up with friends since my friends and I are now at different schools. Also, it relieves stress as u can chat with friends and play games.The games aren’t exactly that fun, its just something to do.

Yes because…

Distracting, creates disturbance therefore stress.
Whether the games are fun or not you should be WORKING at work, not PLAYING at work… see the difference???

how am igonna call my mom

No because…


Yes because…

why would you need to call your mom??? if it’s a real emergency your boss will probably let you call a parent. if you’re emancipated you shouldn’t need mom anymore. Let’s try to keep the debate high-quality okay?

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6 years ago

Yes, as I can see in my society nowadays most worker are not focusing on their work especially those who work with customers and that’s so annoying.

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