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Global Warming is not an issue

Based on the information, there is not an issue with rising tempeture, CO2 levels

All the Yes points:

  1. Temperature from history
  2. Sea level
  3. Weather
  4. Because people are losing lives and our climate is changing
  5. Many factors involved.

All the No points:

  1. The scale of the problem
  2. The need for oil
  3. Polar Bears and other species are threatened with extinction
  4. Nature will adapt better than we will
  5. Kids will have to eat poo

Temperature from history

Yes because…

If people were able to look at the temperature data for the past 200 years, that data would show that the temperature levels on the planet have always fluctuated.

No because…

That same data will show that it is human beings who are causing the problem. Pollution from cars, industry and the burning of fossil fuel all have a dramatic impact on the environment which goes far beyond the expected fluctuations in the world’s temperature.

In fact, looking at the past 200 years proves nothing, for this is the period after the Industrial Revolution, when technological development began to influence the environment on a large scale. If we could look at the last hundred thousand years or so we would see absolute evidence that we are responsible for global warming.

Sea level

Yes because…

The rising sea level might seem like a problem, but in reality it’s just going through a natural cycle. Thousands of years ago, the sea level was so high that most of North America was under water. Then we hit a cooling period during which the polar ice caps formed. This caused the sea level to fall. The planet has now once again reached a period of warming where the ice caps need to melt; over time these ice caps will form again.

No because…

The sea level has been rising at an ever increasing pace due to industrialisation and consequent environmental pollution. Prior to the beginning of the 19th century the sea level had remained constant for close to 3000 years, but since then it has been accelerating, with rises of 1-2mm a year during the twentieth century increasing to over 3mm in recent years. While these numbers might seem small, the effects can be devastating; we have seen for ourselves the destruction caused by flooding in areas such as Bangladesh. With the world’s population increasing, land becomes an ever more precious commodity: we cannot afford to lose much of it to a rising sea level.


Yes because…

If global warming is such a big issue, it isn’t apparent based on what people have experienced over the past year. The weather in the U.S. was very cold and had a very large amount of snow fall. If temperature increases are a problem, why do we still have such cold winters?

No because…

Scientists predict that due to global warming there will be worse storms than we have had before. This seems borne out by the difficult winter conditions in the U.S.: compared to previous years the amount of snow fall was off the charts. Climate change and global warming does not mean that the planet will increase in temperature uniformly. It means that we are likely to see increasingly extreme weather patterns and changes in what has been the norm for decades. If you look at phenology reports you will see that bird migration patterns are altering and that seasons are changing when they start and end. The increase in adverse weather, not just in the U.S. but globally, will continue. In the UK the South East will continue to get dryer and the North West with continue to get wetter: the tendency to flooding which has already been seen in the North West will get worse. This will have adverse effects on the local flora and fauna as well as on the human population.

Because people are losing lives and our climate is changing

Yes because…

People, and animals, are losing their homes and their lives because of Global Warming. It is a process in which the climate has changed and it is forcing many animals to move to find a climate suitable for them. While this happens many people lose food because some people mostly live on meat, and i’m talking about tribes. Whenever the glaciers in Alaska have started to melt that’s when you know things have gone to far.

No because…

Many factors involved.

Yes because…

When one is dealing with global warming one must take many factors into consideration. Thus human beings are not necessarily the ones affecting the planet. Firstly recorded history takes us back only 6 to 8 thousand years, while the Earth is approximately 4 billion years old. Thus man can not draw a definite conclusion on this issue based on the records kept in our short time here. Yes scientist have looked into both the polar and geological records, and it is true that the recent change in global temperatures have been dramatic. However if we were to look at the equation from a larger perspective, going back 600 thousand years we would find similar spikes in temperature. These spikes are due to the nature of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, as the degree at which the Earth is orbiting the sun is in a state of continuous, albeit slow, change. As well scientist have recently confirmed that sunspot activity have reached a 1000 year high. Sunspots that send out thousands of cosmic rays that travel through space and constantly bombard Earth. Sunspots which may very well cause dramatic temperature rises on Earth, as suggest by scientist at the Institute for Astronomy in Zurich.

No because…

The scale of the problem

No because…

If we consider the extent to which the essential components of our modern lifestyle contribute to environmental change, then it is evident that global warming continues to be a very big problem. Looking at the amount of cars, trucks, and other vehicles on the planet and the amount of CO2 being put into the air by our need for transport, it is clear that there are no easy solutions. Even the food we eat is causing climate change: livestock is the biggest contributor to CO2 emissions, producing 19 percent of all CO2 that goes into the atmosphere. We would need to cut back on our meat consumption in order to halt the progress of global warming.

Yes because…

Global warming only seems to be a problem when you look at it from an outdated point of view. The new cars, appliances and energy sources being used to day have been developed in order to cut down on CO2 emissions, while government initiatives have brought about greater energy efficiency. The problems which once contributed to global warming have effectively been eradicated.

The need for oil

No because…

There might be new cars that are designed to decrease their CO2 output, but what about the need for fuel in other situations? The people that can’t buy the new cars have to use older models, plus the amount of people with cars these days is scary. It is common to have two or three vehicles per household. Thus the demand for fuel is as high as ever. The economic development of nations such as India now means that more people can afford to be personally mobile; hence there is an even greater demand for oil. Though alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power are increasingly used to meet society’s need, they are not yet widespread or efficient enough to reduce the burning of fossil fuels to an acceptable level.

Yes because…

That is true, but technology is improving all the time. The developments in the last two decades alone have drastically improved the situation. If we look at the example of the hole in the ozone layer, which was a major environmental issue in the 90s, we can see how quickly climate issues can be resolved. Government policy successfully eradicated ozone damaging CFCs and scientists now predict a complete recovery of the Arctic ozone layer by 2050. Now that the focus is on producing new sources of environmentally friendly energy, we will soon be able to do away with using oil and other fossil fuels altogether and global warming will cease to be an issue.

Polar Bears and other species are threatened with extinction

No because…

Due to rising temperature levels the environment for polar bears is disappearing. Their food sources, seals and fish, are being driven out of their polar habitat by the warmer climate, leaving them vulnerable. Though species do evolve in response to their changing environment, evolution in long-lived species takes centuries. We are, however, likely to see evolution in species that have a short life cycle, such as arthropods. Migratory species, such as butterflies, are changing their migration patterns in response to global warming. Butterflies that were found in the southern parts of the planet are being forced to move further north in order to find the right climate for their continued survival.

Yes because…

Polar bear numbers are decreasing and people know that this is happening, but we need to consider these changes in a larger historical context. The Polar bear has not been on the planet for that long. They evolved into their present state by adapting to the polar environment. In the history of the world, species have flourished and then died out again as their environment changed- which is why we no longer have dinosaurs roaming the earth! If the polar bears are able to adapt to changes in temperature then they will continue to exist as a species, but if not they will die out and something else will take their place. Either way, the natural world will remain balanced.

Nature will adapt better than we will

No because…

Nature has always adapted itself to cope with its evironment, a single tree facing a man made object blocking its growth path will adapt itself around the object and eventually overcome this with tremendous strenth we’ve all seen roads and solid concrete pushed aside like its nothing for roots to continue to spread and some of the worlds best scientists have been left scratching their heads as to the speed that nature has repaired itself in places like chernobyl after tremendous pollution caused by man. We see evidence all the time that nature is a force much more powerfull than man and over time nature will overcome anything we throw at it.

Yes because…

Kids will have to eat poo

No because…

Because all the McDonalds will shutdown because all they’re supplies will die and the kids will have to turn to poo

Yes because…

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Joshua Graham
4 years ago

Ecology balance is a more serious threat or immediate, and ecology and global warming are interlinked. The cause is human action, look at how we treat life, anyone with half a brain can look out and see we are destructive and survival of the fittest mentality will leave us as the only species which is not life sustaining. Which is why the 6th mass extinction has been predicted by scientists.

Also the previously published climate change studies which disputed climate change have ALL been disproved since.

It is much better checking the sources and studies of knowledge and statements yourself, go to the horses mouth and find the truth.

Last edited 4 years ago by Joshua Graham
4 years ago

thank you

Last edited 4 years ago by sherol
4 years ago

I do not think it is an issue as sea level has risen by one feet from 1840-1960

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