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Does slang prevent young people from being able to communicate properly?

What is slang? A colloquial perversion of a language suited to common usage by different groups of people using the language. This definition is too general as it includes various dialects,secret codes and languages within languages that do not really count as slang.
So will define slang as the language of the young people; that though is understood by older persons, it is not employed by those who think of themselves as old because it is considered to be puerile,immature and casual.
People argue that slang in the form of AIM lingo causes students to under-perform in English tests or exams because they do not always fight the tendency to use AIM abbreviations. Slang in the form of ghetto lingo is also problematic when it comes to these tests because, while exoticisms are encouraged in these classes; the inclusion of words that do not fit into a global,universal and/or clean clear-cut English.

On the other hand language develops from pidgin to creole and higher with the genius of children. Perhaps we should credit the youth for advancing language and not downgrade their work in the development of English and other tongues. [[http://www.examenglish.com/TOEFL/TOEFL_reading1.htm]]

All the Yes points:

  1. Students perform poorly in formal language tests because they’re out of practice when it comes to using
  2. Grammar is often the handiwork of young tots; let them have it
  3. Slang has become young peoples main language
  4. Slang prevents young people to become potential employers as well as prepared for the future

All the No points:

  1. Closing the generation gap: hip teaching methods
  2. slang did not prevent William shakespeare to communicate properly.
  3. It depends on the person. If they begin to use slang in real life situations where slang shouldn’t be used. They’re stupid anyway.
  4. Time are changing and so is every generation. Slang is becoming part of everyday life, therefore everyone, employers included understand it.

Students perform poorly in formal language tests because they’re out of practice when it comes to using

Yes because…

English or whichever language is being tested; normally.

Saying ‘yeah’ in lieu of ‘yes’ is a common problem and one which is never tolerated in the classroom or in tests/exams. Some slang words are new and older persons may not know them. Using these words can inhibit conversation greatly. Sometimes a language gap resulting from slang usage can manifest a language block between people of different generations.

Not everyone is well-versed in thumb-text/AIM lingo and it is difficult to grasp for older people who act like an old dog who can’t be taught new tricks. This of course is not true for ‘all’ older persons; a large number of ‘old’ people are hipper and with the times, than most 13 year-olds.

When someone uses slang where s/he should be formal her/his audience does not usually take her/him seriously and most people assume that the person in question is not capable of formal speech or that s/he has no command of the language in question.

No because…

With each new generation born, they are growing up to understand the language using slang words.

Although I agree that the elderly may not understand slang or even agree with its use, I believe that in a few more generations everyone will understand slang and use it frequently.

Is that such a big problem?

The english language changed from Old English to New Modern Day English, maybe Slang is the next step forward.

Besides, slang is an art of communication. When we are talking about young people, which based on my humble thought is referring to the students or the teenagers, they speaks and express themselves by using slang words. Slang word is their daily words.

Based on a study conducted by a professor, it is undeniable that slang affect the academic writing of the youngsters, but, it is not as bad as what people are paranoid of. Most of them can write formal language very well. But, they may slip one or two slang words accidentally. Most of all, they are aware of it and improving it.

In these context, i believe that the young people nowadays are more aware of their own language usage and they know when to use the language and so. Thus, i strongly disagree with the argument that slang prevent young people from being able to communicate properly.

Grammar is often the handiwork of young tots; let them have it

Yes because…

“Grammar is seen when pidgins evolve into creoles. Usually the children who are raised speeking with the pidgins will get together and agree upon a structure of words for the pidgin, this applies grammar to their system of communication to create the Creole”-[[http://www.hevanet.com/alexwest/pidgin.html]]

We adults cannot develop or learn language as well as children do. They dictate the most efficient forms of communication for the times. We cannot stick to one form of a language for a very long time and they’re the only ones young and innovative enough to allow language to evolve naturally.

No because…

Often is not always. The literati develop language by putting in signature words or phrases in cherished novels. Their record of new words puts the words in the dictionary.

Authors,poets etc are not children.
They are responsible for developing language and publishing its many forms. [[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-peters/made-up-words-neologism_b_703977.html]]

Grammar rules can be set by any one of any age. They catch on amongst children because they’re are impressionable copy cats. One says or does something and the rest follow like sheep.

Slang has become young peoples main language

Yes because…

Young people’s language is becoming more and more saturated by slang, where it has come to the point where it is unintelligible. They use slang as their main language in their “neighbor hoods”, and tend to forget how to communicate correctly with the rest of the society when needed. I myself use slang when I talk to my friends which is easy to use without having to think about correct grammar, nevertheless I tend to combine a lot of slang without even noticing it when I speak to my professors or when I write a paper, which is not very appropriate. So I do believe that slang prevents young people like me from being able to communicate properly.

No because…

Slang prevents young people to become potential employers as well as prepared for the future

Yes because…

People want to hire potential employers that are able to communicate unmistakably. How is that going to be possible when slang only prevents young people from conversing clearly and making them ill-equipped for the future? It is going to be hard for young adults that use slang to face the real world, because slang is not prohibited in today’s work setting. It is the contrary, it is obligatory to speak in correct grammar in order to keep a job. The understandings of slang words are so different in every city that it is going to be impossible for them to take care of themselves, unless they decide to stay where they are forever.

No because…

Yes and no. Theres so many words out there that are actually slang words, it is rediculous. You can’t say someone will be rejected a job for using “cool” or “nice” in the terms of “great” because when you say “hey thats cool” the word ‘cool’ is slang for great. “Hey thats nice” same thing.

theres a nice list of slang words/ phrases you probably use every day!

Closing the generation gap: hip teaching methods

No because…

Sometimes to close the generation gap an understanding of the language of the times is necessary.

In our zeitgeist; parents and teachers are encouraged to speak the language of the children to better understand their issues and problems. Learning text-talk or slang could be the answer to closing the generation gap or relieving the discomfort that comes from formal dialogue/dialog.

Not everything can be best related in formal or perfect English/Urdu/Swahili/any-language. Sometimes slang improves the quality of communication because it is accessible to the people having the conversation.

Yes because…

The problem with our times is in a reversion to pedagogy; after all the complaints about spoon-feeding in schools and the need for independent thinking; we’re back to coddling students. Teaching them that work is a party when it isn’t.

These kids need to grow up and the best way to do it, is to brush up on language skills. Learn the lingo of your elders; speak the language you are taught. There are places where slang is acceptable and there are situations where it is not.

For example slang used in the British Public Boys’ schools would never be tolerated in a public boys’ school test or exam or speech for that matter. [[http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,884113,00.html]]

slang did not prevent William shakespeare to communicate properly.

No because…

As long as people are able to separate social life with business life thru adapting and restricting the use of slang in a professional capacity there is no harm. I would like to believe that everyone have their own way of talking to their friends and families, and that they use slang. However when it comes down to being at a work place they have a tendency to control their use of slang, and adapt to the environment that they are in. Many well known men used slang. William Shakespeare was a man that used a lot of slang in his plays, words such as nervy, puke and assassination were included, nevertheless he was not seen as a man that could not communicate, but a man that had a talent for it.

Yes because…

It depends on the person. If they begin to use slang in real life situations where slang shouldn’t be used. They’re stupid anyway.

No because…

Slang’s fine if you just use it because you’re feeling relaxed and just wanna talk to someone without thinking about grammar and everything.. But if you go into an English exam and start using slang, it’s stupid.. and you’re stupid because you clearly haven’t realised that this is an English exam and the point of an English exam is to test your English knowledge… You shouldn’t be worth a job if you can’t tell the difference between when you should use slang and when you shouldn’t.



Yes because…

Time are changing and so is every generation. Slang is becoming part of everyday life, therefore everyone, employers included understand it.

No because…

If the whole of a country or a town uses particular slang words, then what is the problem using it in everyday life, even when conversing with employers, teachers, peers, etc.
We seem to want to hold on to the dictionary defined English yet people forget that new words are added to the dictionary all the time.

Maybe its time slang words were recognised as part of the English Language.

Yes because…

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3 years ago

Do you have or do you know any published research about the effective use of slang words?

3 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

I’m actually writing a paper about this currently, but it’s hard to find them unless you use a database in a library

3 years ago

I am 13 years old and I barely know any of these ‘abbreviations’.

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