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Schools Has the Right to Search Student’s Lockers

Do schools have the right to search students’ lockers?

All the Yes points:

  1. Lockers are school property; students are merely allowed to use them as they do with sports equipmen…
  2. It is in the interests of all students that drugs and weapons are not in school. The best way to en…
  3. We trust teachers to use this power responsibly and not abuse it. Even if the policy sees a small m…
  4. Schools have a duty to care for their students. This responsibility is placed upon schools because …
  5. In addition to general searches of lockers, particular individuals are often suspected of activity, …
  6. The magnitude of the problem should be the basis for this debate. In the USA, every school day, at …

All the No points:

Lockers are school property; students are merely allowed to use them as they do with sports equipmen…

Yes because…

Lockers are school property; students are merely allowed to use them as they do with sports equipment, library books, school computers, etc. Lockers can be taken back without notice, for example if they are vandalised or become smelly with rotting food. Students are or should be told that schools have the right to search their lockers – it is a part of being in a school community where you have to accept its rules and responsibilities.

No because…

A sense of alienation and isolation in the school environment has been at the forefront of the rise of psychological problems amongst students – resulting in tragedies like Columbine. Denying students the security of a secure anchor in this environment, a known reference point without risk of removal or meddling, means they are more likely to be adrift and insecure.

It is in the interests of all students that drugs and weapons are not in school. The best way to en…

Yes because…

It is in the interests of all students that drugs and weapons are not in school. The best way to ensure that such contraband items are found and removed is for the school authorities periodically to search a random selection of student lockers. Even if there is a privacy issue, students yield that minor right in return for the wider benefit of safety.

No because…

General searches constitute an unacceptable intrusion, a search ‘without probable cause’ or ‘fishing expedition’. In the USA it is therefore contrary to the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. Elsewhere it is covered by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ guarantee against ‘arbitrary interference with… privacy’.

We trust teachers to use this power responsibly and not abuse it. Even if the policy sees a small m…

Yes because…

We trust teachers to use this power responsibly and not abuse it. Even if the policy sees a small minority misuse the search power, the cost is outweighed by the benefit of greater security and disincentive to smuggle contraband such as drugs and weapons in to school.

No because…

Many belongings aren’t illegal but are nevertheless potentially the source of embarrassment, for example love letters, pornography, contraceptives, or medicines. Teachers can abuse this power to inflict embarrassment on students they dislike, or may allow it to influence negatively their attitude to and treatment of the student concerned.

Schools have a duty to care for their students. This responsibility is placed upon schools because …

Yes because…

Schools have a duty to care for their students. This responsibility is placed upon schools because the students in their charge are minors – children in the eyes of the law – who need more protection than adults. This same legal status also explains why constitutional rights to privacy, etc. cannot be applied absolutely to school students. Schools’ duty of care applies both morally and legally – and they may be open to lawsuits if they don’t take reasonable measures to prevent other students from bringing drugs or weapons into school, or to recover stolen property. In both these cases, searching lockers is an obvious and reasonable response to a threat to student welfare.

No because…

Students should not to be considered as suspects without an adequate reason – that’s their right just as much as for adults, and if it is violated, they and their families can and will sue the school.

In addition to general searches of lockers, particular individuals are often suspected of activity, …

Yes because…

In addition to general searches of lockers, particular individuals are often suspected of activity, often quite serious, that mean teachers need to inspect their property. Without the ability to inspect lockers, young criminals will know that they can hide forbidden things there without fear. On the other hand, the possibility of a search means that students will think twice before bringing things in to school. Students may indeed find other hiding places – but this doesn’t mean that they should be given total control over the most obvious hiding place in school. Other safety techniques – such as metal detectors, sniffer dogs, security guards – may be useful too, but they are not mutually exclusive to locker searches. All these things can be used in addition to, not instead of, locker searches – and indeed, a combination of all of them may yield the most secure results.

No because…

It is obvious that if students are faced with the prospect of locker searches, they will just find another hiding place, or keep things on their person. The thrust of policy should not be about finding things once they are in school – it should be about stopping them getting there in the first place. Metal detectors, for example, are fair – because they check everyone (rather than singling people out) without intruding on them. Students who are singled out for searches are effectively and publicly accused of a crime. Occasionally, something incriminating may be found; almost always it won’t be, but any bond of trust between school/teacher and student will be broken, and disaffection is likely to follow.

The magnitude of the problem should be the basis for this debate. In the USA, every school day, at …

Yes because…

The magnitude of the problem should be the basis for this debate. In the USA, every school day, at least 100,000 students bring guns to school; 160,000 students skip classes because they fear physical harm; 40 students are hurt or killed by firearms; 6,250 teachers are threatened with bodily injury; 260 teachers are physically assaulted. Is searching someone’s locker really a step too far in trying to stop this?

No because…

There’s no doubt that there are grave problems in schools. but we should send a message to children that we trust them – making them feel like adults. Always suspecting them of something widens the gulf between the generations that has caused so much harm in society. In any case, how often are lockers directly implicated in the crimes listed opposite? Most weapons are hidden on the person, and lockers are hardly involved in assaults on teachers.

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10 years ago

Locker searches offend privacy. Locker searches offend privacy. For example if a student had something totally legal but private, the locker searcher would find it in his locker. This shows that with locker searches the students are not free to put whatever they want in their lockers. Locker searches are a waste of time. For example instead of looking for illegal things in lockers, they could fix things in school. This shows that they spend to much time for that and they could use this time spent in other helpful things for school.Locker searchers cost a lot of money.For example if the school want to do a search every month they have to pay a locker searcher every month. This shows that locker searches cost a lot of money for schools. Locker searches are a negative thing.

10 years ago

Locker searches are a bad thing to do. Because students can’t keep things privet, for example when school officials search your locker is same as telling the whole school . It is very frestration to have your locker searched for example the school official come and search your locker in front of you and that will make embarrassed in front of your classmates. And also you feel that the school doesn’t trust you with using your locker and I feel that the school should trust students more.

10 years ago

The locher searches are illegal thing to do. Locher searchers are illegal thing do because, we should have a privacy, disturb us and its a bad thing without letting the student know. If a student have something is an important and its a personal so the locker searchers can’t open the locker without telling the student. This shows that locker searchers doing exposure to Privacy. Locker searchers can makes someone angry and mad. If someone saw the locker searchers opening the locker without telling them, so that makes them angry and mad. That shows locker searchers are doing really bad thing to students. I don’t agree with locker searchers because, it’s not a right thing to do. When the students going to see this happening in front of them, they’ll think that they don’t have a privacy at school. That shows locker searchers don’t give students privacy. locker searchers are a negative thing.

10 years ago
Reply to  Asaad

Locker searches are bad because it is against a student privacy.For example if a student is keeping pictures in his locker and that people are finding his pictures and exposing them to other students without doing it on purpose , it is still against privacy.
This shows that locker searches could bother a student because it could be against his privacy.
Locker searches are bad because students can still find other places to hide drugs or weapons, so locker searches are not going to keep the school completely safe.
For example if a student knows that the school is doing locker searches, he can still hide objects that are a danger for the school in his backpack or in other places.
This shows that locker searches are a waste of time.
Locker searches are bad because it makes people feel like we don’t trust them.
For example if the principal asks if he can look in the locker of a student he or she is going to feel offended.
Because of this they are not going to become independent adults.
Locker searches are a negative thing.

10 years ago

Locker searches are a good thing! Locker searches can protect the entire school, its students,teachers, and its furnitures and things like that. For example, a student could hide a weapon or anything that could cause damages, and this may be found during a locker search. So schools are safer.
Locker searches can prevent drug dealing at school. If a student brought drugs at school, it could be found thanks to locker searches. So they prevent other students to get into a lot of trouble, and it also makes schools safer.
Locker searches also prevent theft, if someone stole something, it may be in his locker, and so, it could be found. So students’ properties are safer.
To conclude, locker searches, are a great thing in schools!

10 years ago

Locker searches are not a good idea.
locker searches are invading the right to privacy of students at school. For example, when a school official is looking into a locker he is touching and handling objects and stuff that is private, personal and that do not belong to him/her. This shows that locker searches are frustrating students. When schools are allowed to make locker searches, students may feel a lack of trust in their school. For example, if a school official would search a student’s locker he may see personal items such as photographs, personal letters (who knows) or he may touch some important and fragile objects such as laptops that students would not allow anyone to touch. This shows that even a good intended search can hurt the privacy of students. School officials should not search a student’s locker if this student has a normal behavior. For example, if a student does not have a suspicious behavior, then school officials do not have a reason to search his locker. This shows that Locker searches are not done the right way and are not effective. Locker searches are not a good thing but if schools continue to make locker searches, they definitely need to improve their methods of searching.

5 years ago
Reply to  Honore

Schools have the right to search their lockers. A student shouldn’t have fragile stuff in their school locker in the first place and if they don’t want people to see their pictures then they shouldn’t bring them to school. They know that locker searches are a possibility so they shouldn’t have things in their lockers that they don’t want seen.

10 years ago

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