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Should India Give Kashmir up?

Agreed that this suggestion is unlikely if not impossible to ever occur. However, given that there are only two factions in Kashmir; a larger one that calls for an independent Kashmir and a smaller group that wants to join up with Pakistan. And neither wants to be a part of India.
Evidence of this is in polls and in the fact that there is no violence against the ruling-army in the Pakistan-held part of Kashmir; however, protests against Indian soldiers in Indian held Kashmir are often splattered in the international news media. Such as recently when India marked its independence on 15th August.

Indian soldiers have brutally shot and at times killed Kashmir protesters without remorse nor apology.

While both Pakistan and India claim to be democratic nations; this kind of behavior refutes that claim. As this attitude of shooting unarmed civilians who clearly do not want Indian occupation;is truly fascist and as undemocratic as can be.

India sometimes claims that China is giving military support to Kashmiri insurgents; at other times stakes the claim that Pakistan. Yet what we see on the news is Kashmiri civilians flitting stones at Indian soldiers and eating bullets in return. This type of footage is somewhat reminiscent of historical news clips on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

All the Yes points:

  1. In the words of a Kashmiri

All the No points:

  1. Support for India
  2. Give it to the Roma.

In the words of a Kashmiri

Yes because…

Ismail Sloan writes: ‘Thus, according to the Indians, India has the right to all of Kashmir. When Pakistan built a road to China known as the Karakorum Highway, India protested to the United Nations and everywhere else that a road was being built across “their territory” without their permission.

However, Pakistan has a different view. The “Pathan agitators” were not from Peshawar. Rather, they were local Kashmiris who did not want to be part of India. Furthermore, the Maharaja of Kashmir had no right to call in the Indian Army, because the Maharaja of Kashmir was not a heredity ruler. He was merely a British appointee. There had been no such position as the “Maharaja of Kashmir” prior to British rule. Finally, the agreement was that any areas more than 70% Muslim would go to Pakistan. Kashmir has more than 90% Muslims and therefore clearly should have been part of Pakistan.

The main reason why I and most others take the Pakistan side is that numerous polls have been taken of the people of Indian Kashmir. Every one of these polls has had a similar result. Some want an independent Kashmir. Some (usually slightly fewer) want to join Pakistan. Almost none at all want to stay in India. The few who do want to stay in India are recent arrivals, primarily Hindus, who do not have long heredity links to Kashmir.

Nobody on the Pakistan side of Kashmir wants to join India, but a few would like to have independence’ [[http://www.anusha.com/kashmir.htm]]

According to polls the majority of the people of Kashmir want an independent Country. and the rest want to be part of Pakistan. So, I don’t entirely agree with Ismail Sloan.

The election in Indian administered Kashmir no doubt had a very low voter turnout and anyone opposing the pro-Indian party rule; would most likely have faced violent opposition from televised to be very abusive self-confessed Indian troops.

India is the world’s most ‘populated’ democracy(being the 2nd most populated country in the World preceded by non-democratic China; thus largest) not exactly/actually the most effective form of democratic government.

No because…

The National Conference party and the Congress party together won 45 seats, one more than is needed for a simple majority in the 87-seat state assembly.

The two parties have started negotiations for an alliance so they can take power. The National Conference party won 28 seats, and Congress won 17.

“We are ready to align with the Congress party to form the next government,” said Omar Abdullah, president of National Conference.

The seven-phased elections began in November, four months after India took direct control after the fall of a coalition government in the state. The elections ended last week, and vote-counting finished Sunday.[[http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/12/28/indian.kashmir.vote/]]

The poll spoke otherwise, against the point made. India is until this day considered the world’s largest democracy, and thus the opinion of every citizen voting in the election counts. The pro-India party thus won in 2008 and are still in power, overpowering over the Pakistani favored league.

Support for India

No because…

India has been a hotbed for terrorism because of her neighbor Pakistan. Pakistan was created on the rather ominous grounds of religious conflict. Pakistan sometimes claimed(and still claims) to be secular and at other times Islamic. Copies of Jinnah’s speeches archived in various universities in the U.K reflect this dichotomy from the very foundation of the nation.

Kashmir was(and is) ruled by Hindu leaders and even though it is/was a Muslim-majority state; she was not given to then east&west Pakistan because the leadership was very popular among the people. The British handed Kashmir over to India and so India feels that Pakistan and China’s[[http://indiatoday.intoday.in/site/Story/104687/India/china-providing-tacit-support-to-kashmiri-militants-expert.html]] interference in this is unwarranted and only causes violence/bloodshed.

India finds the propulsion of terrorism on her soil rather disdainful and feels it must be stopped. [[http://www.google.com/search?q=support+for+India+in+Kashmir&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a]]

Yes because…

What about the war of 1971; When India severed East Pakistan from west Pakistan?
Did Pakistani forces not take over part of Kashmir?

Is that part not recognized as part of Pakistan by the U.N and the world?

Skipping important pieces of history as well as details of the present reality in India seems to be typical of those speaking for the Indian side.

The reality today is; the civilians of Kashmir are being battered,injured and killed at the hands of Indian soldiers.

The reality today is No citizen of Kashmir supports Indian occupation.

“A whopping 77 per cent are firm in their belief that a solution to the Kashmir problem does not lie within the framework of the Indian Constitution and a clear 72 per cent say categorically that it is independence alone which can bring peace in the violence-riven valley.”-[[http://www.nancho.net/fdlap/kashmir/outlookf.html]]

Give it to the Roma.

No because…

To make it easier, both of them should give it up and give it to the Roma people, who are experiencing the 2nd holocaust in Europe. This time not from the Germans but from the Jews. Jewish leaders such as Sarkozy, Traian Basescu, Silvio Berlusdoni, Petra Edelmannova, Nick Griffin, Angela Merkel, not to mention the Hungarian Jobbik Party with Jewish members. That way no one shell have it and it would stop the anger building.

Yes because…

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4 years ago

How about Kashmir be independent? Pakistan, who already has a part of Kashmir, wants the whole Kashmir. India, who already has a part of Kashmir, wants the whole Kashmir. Why not let whole of Kashmir be FREE and INDEPENDENT? This way, both Pakistan and India wins and loses, in a way. Nobody would have to accuse the other of having the whole Kashmir. There is such an easy solution, yet the only roadblock is politics, hatred, and fear. I’ve seen Indians and Pakistanis be very close friends. Indians and Pakistanis have played cricket together. I have seen peaceful relations between Indians and Pakistanis. I have even seen Indians and Pakistanis get married and live a happy life together. I have a friend whose father is an Indian Muslim and whose mother is a Pakistani Muslim. My friend’s parents are now old, and they have lived their lives together happily, and are ready to leave this world and meet each other in Heaven.

I’m not saying an Indian has never been rude to a Pakistani simply for being from that country, and I’m not saying a Pakistani has never been rude to an Indian simply for being from that country. But what I’m saying is that it’s time to put the hatred and fear aside.

Joy Khandelwal
5 years ago

Update this article…
Article 370 and 35A are now revoked!!
Content can modified!!!

moksh mittal
8 years ago

kashmir was made by india if we look into history then pakistan was not pakistan in the early times it was known as india only after the distribution which is also known as batwara in simple language a seperate country was made of muslims namely pakistan so hoe come they can claim for kashmir.kashmir is known as the heaven on the earth but due to these wars and aggresion it is loosing its importance which is not good for the itegrity of kashmir pakistan is not having a right to ask for kashmir at the time of batwara pakistan was seperated not kashmir it is still the state of india indirectly one day it will be directly

8 years ago

Kashmiri people suffer because every country indulges in this fight with it’s own diplomatic interests rather than humanitarian grounds. How could anyone want to be part of Pakistan which is a failed state with terrorism as it’s hobby. Kashmiris will find safety, peace and a new found self-identity in India, when the neighbouring state is annihilated, despite China’s concern.

8 years ago

I think that the small mindedness of a few foolish people is causing all this. By and large most people of India and Pakistan are loving and happy. I have seen this in Hong Kong, I have seen this in Taiwan. They play for same cricket teams. They go to restaurants together but when it comes to Indians in India and Pakistanis in Pakistan they fight because they have been trained to think that people on the other side hate you and are waiting to kill you. I know many Pakistanis who come to India for medical treatment and many Indians who go for projects/ Business to Pakistan. When they don’t have a problem why should the ones in Kashmir specifically have a problem. My view also is that a few anti social elements are influencing the Kashmir issue. Why should Kashmir have problem with India ? All these anti social elements say it is because of rape/killing. I am not willing to accept this since there are 25 other states and no other state has an issue with the Government. I have seen people of all faiths and they live together in harmony. Please don’t listen to these people who are filled with hatred and poison. They are infectious. Think of a world where one is not afraid/suspicious of the other and is filled with strong inclination for love and peace. Be Large hearted and you won’t regret it.

Irani Ghosh
8 years ago

If Kashmir wants to rule itself,let it be so.Let them live and India can end this conflict with Pakistan about this topic and both countries can live in peace.

8 years ago

first of all they should stop relating people with their religion. and then people of pakistan should have mercy for people of india and wether kashmir is india’s or pakistan’s it dosen’t matter at all , it is a part of the world and every other continent,country etc.. are in the world we live. earth is one so we all have to be one

8 years ago

I think yes because it only give us terrorist.We should leave it or should do voting.As 90% of people want to come or become part of India.

Dr. M. A. Chaudhry
8 years ago
Reply to  shivprasad

The only solution of Kashmir dispute is “The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948–one of the principal UN resolutions on Kashmir” which stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”.

8 years ago

As you are outsider you don’t now Abt Kashmir only Muslims are not sufferer we Kashmir Pandit also they looted our houses burnt them I ask you one question only they have we haven’t we have also share and we don’t want freedom what you say about this and also they purchased our houses for no money

Afzal Khan
8 years ago

Kashmiris should stop this whole muslim majority crap… there was a hindu majortiy in sindh.. who were slaughtered n most of them had to flood to India.. I am a kashmiri muslim.. i am proud to be in India.. n i think the kashmiri youth should realize what a beautiful nation they r a part of.. I apologize to the kashmiri pandits with my whole heart… I just wish pakistan n china would mind their own business n stop causing insurgencies.. pakistani troops poison the youth esp in south kashmir.. I have personally experienced this myself.. Kashmir and gilgit & baltistan has always been a part of India… not Pakistan…. Back off Pakistan! Jai Hindh

8 years ago
Reply to  Afzal Khan

This is very nice what happen if Kashmir is free they have any production how they can manage their economy with Pakistan who is bagging from other countries pls do something for kashmiri youths

8 years ago
Reply to  Afzal Khan

Hello afzal khan I feel proud that we even have people like this in Kashmir who can proud to be an Indian
But can you tell me the mindset of the majority
Because when I sit and think about this issue, even being an Indian I feels sometimes that Kashmir does not belong to India

Can u please change my mindset
I want to know the real conditions there

8 years ago
Reply to  Mimansha

Your mindset is completely right, as mentioned above dating back in history it is evident that Kashmir was bought from India in 7500000 Rupees so this fight over the land in today’s world is not justified. People were promised rights to vote what they wanted be it freedom from both the countries or to go with India or Pakistan and in today’s world this opportunity to vote is nowhere to be seen It’s been around 40 years and there hasn’t been any plebliside. It was promised by the Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru that Kashmiri people will be given the right to vote, it wasn’t said by any of the leader inside the state. Coming to development people in Kashmir have been always from back when it comes development Iran proposed to make a hydro power plant in Kashmir for free but India refused, Gemini said that it would develop the train tracks in Kashmir but India refused and this was all for free if India wanted it to develop it would refuse these Golden offers there’s more to say sweetheart but I don’t see it the right place for the time

Syed aamir
8 years ago
Reply to  Mimansha

Mimansha.Almost every kashmiri wants indeoendence from.India if not Pakistan.

Kashmiris have never accepted India.

70000 innocent ppl.hv been killed by army in kashmir since indian annexation on 27 october 1947

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