Is immortality unethical?

Immortality, living forever, has always been an ambition and goal for humans. And at least in so far as beating aging is concerned it is coming closer to reality as we cure diseases and we may eventually find a way to stop or turn back aging. If this happens would it be right for us … Read more

physical fitness is better than mental fitness

The age old argument that health trumps wealth or is wealth is given new life with this debate motion. Healthy,happy and beautifully fit people have a higher emotional quotient than irritable sick people, who may work doubly hard and produce superior work but lose out on points because of their/our attitude. That is, being smart … Read more

Should we still be concerned about the ozone layer?

In 1985 Scientists who were a part of the British Antarctic Survey published results showing that there was a hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic shocking the scientific community as the decline was far higher than anticipated. In a rare case of quick action to an environmental threat, later that year nations agreed … Read more

Can science explain everything?

Some people argue that science can answer any question we have about the universe. Others argue that science is unable to settle questions such as whether god exists and what consciousness is. Science my not yet have answered these questions but that does not mean it never will. All the Yes points: Everything occurs for … Read more

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